

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Getting pregnant - Few tips that could boost your chances

I put all chances on my side generally did decree of this mistaken belief pill rhymes with immediate pregnancy. They forget that nature is at your own pace and sometimes you have to wait, there is no particular reason. It also considers the "delay" means design to 4 months after first intercourse without protection, knowing that a year of unsuccessful attempt did nothing wrong, this is a period which is a sort of medium that can, for example, be extended by a hormonal imbalance, which may especially be induced by stopping the pill. Besides, if some get pregnant almost immediately, others may instead see the months pass without any sign of pregnancy, an agonizing wait but has, in principle, nothing alarming.

Moreover as info and because it might enlighten you on one of the reasons that getting pregnant may take time, we are only fertile about 24 hours per cycle. Add to this that many factors can affect ovulation, on the cycle or even on the fertilization itself, and you understand why for many couples must do plenty of testing before designing.

So how do put the odds in your favor to conceive a baby? There are a few tips that could boost your chances, we make the point.

To begin, prepare your body for pregnancy can only be beneficial. Some substances like tobacco and alcohol are known for their adverse effects on our fertility, reduce or stop one or the other can only be positive.

A healthy body, it also involves food, eat healthy and varied to avoid failures and overflows of fat and sugar. We note also that overweight can also play on fertility as well as drastic diets.

Do not be obsessed by the urge to baby! Certainly easier said than done, but there is nothing worse for a couple of focusing on the design and forget the rest! So yes, that's fine to have sex during ovulation, it's good to talk about your desires and your baby any disappointments but do not make it an obsession. We also think that there might be a link between stress, psychological state and procreation.
You understood it, to get pregnant, the better it is to be Zen, to afford a good time, relax, have fun, ...

Learn to identify your ovulation periods. It is during ovulation the egg released from the ovary is fertilized, it is essential to know at what point in your cycle you ovulate. Note that for a "normal" cycle, namely 28 days, ovulation occurs normally around the 14th day after the first day of menstruation.
But then, some have shorter cycles, some a little longer and anyway it's not an exact science, even with a 28 day cycle, ovulation may vary.
To find out your ovulation accurately, you can use the temperature curve: the temperature rises slightly during ovulation.
You can also learn to recognize the signs: slightly swollen belly in mid-cycle, abundant and viscous losses, intensified desire, ... the signs vary from woman to woman, hear ye!
Finally, to accurately target your ovulation, there are also ovulation tests able to announce one or two days in advance through your ovulation hormone levels in urine.
Once you are able to target your ovulation, note that you can be fertile in 3 to 4 days before ovulation and up to 24 hours after ovulation.

Stay a little elongated after intercourse. Within minutes, no need to do a headstand or elevate the legs, but just stay in elongated sperm would not be discharged too quickly.
For some it is a misconception since sperm have a small tail that allows them just to swim "against the tide", for others it is plausible, at least, it can not hurt.

Namely, if today the average age for first child around 30 years, is kept in a small corner of our mind that fertility peaked in women around 25 years and begins to decrease slowly From that age. No need to rush as much, but note that nature is well made and it is normal to have a little more difficult to conceive at age 35 to 25.
Besides the fact that we tardiness increasingly design explains that couples are more likely today to check for fertility problems.

Note that some treatments can affect the design. If you are on treatment, ask your doctor about the impact of that on your chances of conceiving or pregnancy.

The question often arises about the period after stopping the pill, can you get pregnant right after stopping birth control? The answer is yes, it is quite possible. However, sometimes the body needs a little time to "get started". Thus, after stopping the pill cycles can be irregular for a time which does not really facilitate the design. But everything must in principle return to normal quickly.
If you have always had irregular cycles or they become so after discontinuing the pill, do not hesitate to consult your gynecologist and tell him of your desire for a baby, he or she can also provide you the best for put the odds in your favor.

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