

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pregnancy, the ninth month

So there you are in your ninth month of pregnancy, a pregnancy that is nearing completion which is not displeasing to you! If until now you feel more fit, fatigue now begins to weigh yourself just like this big you can hitch a little, no shame in being fed up, also as baby begins to feel cramped! The prospect of seeing your little delights you as much as that of childbirth scares you, that says the ninth month said imminent arrival of a baby, so you need to tweak your preparations but also relax in perspective of the great effort that you must provide. Here is some info on this last month of pregnancy, your body, your baby, your birth, all your concerns and challenges you.

Your Baby

Now your child is able to live even if born prematurely, her organs are all formed, and will continue to grow. It begins to look like a baby as we imagine: the fat accumulates under the skin loses its wrinkled appearance and at the same time as baby becomes plump, Angolan, a fine down covering his body gradually disappears little as well as the vernier white matter and fat that protects baby's skin in uteri.

In the 35th week of pregnancy, as your child close to 45 cm from head to toe and weighs about 2.4 kilograms.
For childbirth, the child is, in principle, positioned head down, he has no way of kicking in every direction, his arms are stuck against his chest and his legs bent. Note that it does not prevent him from flicking move you feel!
His weight began to seriously weigh your lower abdomen and goes down gradually in the basin, a descent which may be a little late in the case of a first birth.

On your side

You feel heavy and it's nothing to say, you feel tightness and tension or even pain in the lower abdomen that are explained by the progressive enlargement of your pelvis by loosening his joints for passage of the baby.
To offset the weight of your belly, your spine is curved more, you are in some ways, arched and you have back pain while traveling are becoming more difficult.
On top of that, you're tired but you can find it difficult to sleep especially because of the discomfort of the situation ... and some anxiety?

Who said last month said the ninth prenatal examination mandatory. We will check that the end of pregnancy is going well: infant development and size of the uterus, we check the baby's position and size to predict potential problems, you control your blood pressure, the size of your pond, short ... we ensure the good health of the baby and the mother is prepared and childbirth.

It's time for you to prepare your case for maternity and baby's trousseau. Also, make sure his room is ready to accept that and everything is in order at home.

Departure for maternity

Not always easy to know when to leave for maternity, it is not unusual to feel irregular contractions that do not necessarily mean it's time. So no need to rush to motherhood in the first contraction, you risk being sent home by the time you work really begins or further.
Be careful in your state. Usually even before the work starts it is not unusual to feel the warning signs such as some nausea, tiredness and of course the loss of mucus plug. Some details about the latter, the mucus plug is a mucus "mouth" the cervix throughout the pregnancy and its loss does not indicate the onset of labor in contrast to the loss of water, but announces that it is imminent. Thus, loss of mucus plug can occur 2 to 3 days before delivery, and many mothers-in does not even realize, not to worry so.

Your contractions are starting to be regular? This is the work begins softly, again no rush, especially if this is your first pregnancy, it can take hours between the labor and delivery itself. They will first come together, become increasingly long and painful, note the time that elapses between contractions when they become regular.
However, if this is not your first delivery, better to go for motherhood when contractions are regular, the second delivery is usually much faster than the first.

As for you oviparous, be careful. The contractions seem to take you across the lower abdomen to the kidneys, gradually rising in intensity to a peak and back down for a few minutes of relief. You feel your stomach tighten with each contraction. The work began. It's time to apply your breathing techniques learned in preparation, try to relax and loosen your muscles rather than you stiffen.
The usual advice is to set out for motherhood when contractions are felt every ten minutes.
However, the loss of water is the signal that we must leave immediately for motherhood, regardless of the regularity of contractions or even if you do not feel. The bag containing the amniotic fluid is what protects your baby from the outside once the cervical effacement started, it is important to get under way as soon as it is pierced.

After arrival at the maternity, medical supports you and guides you, you're already a little reassured.
We measure the dilation of your cervix. If there is still little dilated, you will be installed in a room by the time the contractions do their work. You should know that this is the dilation of the cervix which is the longest stage during a delivery, once fully dilated, there is no obstacle to the exit of the baby. Moreover we consider that delivery of the baby takes on average 30 minutes against eight hours (on average still) for cervical dilation in the case of a first birth.
During this work of expansion midwife will regularly monitor its progress and status of your baby. If you have not yet lost waters, it is not uncommon that pierces the bag when the cervix dilates from 3 to 5 cm, if it is not the case, the doctor pierce himself a Once the cervix well dilated.

Once in the delivery room, let yourself be guided by the medical profession will tell you when to push and when to rest, how to breathe, etc. ...

Once the child is expelled comes "issue" is that the placenta separates from the uterus to be removed, then you will feel a few contractions but nothing comparable to the previous. If the issue does not occur naturally it is the midwife who will do it.
After a few hours under surveillance you return to your room along with your baby.

Namely, the epidural: It allows the mother giving birth to live in good conscience because it anesthesia that lower body. Some still feel some sensations, others nothing as the anesthesia takes effect.
The epidural is preparing as it must be done by an anesthetist and requires some prior examinations.
It is injecting an anesthetic at the lower back, between the third and fourth lumbar vertebra. That said, it can not be performed early in the work since it occurs when the cervix is dilated to about 3 cm.
If you are considering an epidural, check with your pregnancy before giving birth to know the formalities and exams to follow.

We end by wishing much happiness and a good delivery to all moms!

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