What is your sexuality during
pregnancy? First thing to know: do not worry for Baby!
Chase immediately to your mind
the idea that sex during pregnancy could hurt baby ... In the case of a
pregnancy "normal", the fetus is well protected in the womb of his
mother! It is important to continue to have sexuality.
The disadvantages
It is possible that sex during
pregnancy cause moderate bleeding. The reason the cervix is more vulnerable
during this period. But it's still safe for the fetus.
The cons-indications
It is not recommended and
sometimes forbidden to have sex during pregnancy in some cases:
- Placenta previa is, that is to
say when it is located too low in the uterus because there is a risk of
bleeding that can cause a placental abruption or hemorrhage;
- The threat of premature birth
is severe. When the cervix is opened before the end of the "8" month,
intercourse can cause a premature birth.