

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sexuality in Pregnancy - Sexuality during pregnancy

What is your sexuality during pregnancy? First thing to know: do not worry for Baby!

Chase immediately to your mind the idea that sex during pregnancy could hurt baby ... In the case of a pregnancy "normal", the fetus is well protected in the womb of his mother! It is important to continue to have sexuality.

The disadvantages
It is possible that sex during pregnancy cause moderate bleeding. The reason the cervix is more vulnerable during this period. But it's still safe for the fetus.

The cons-indications
It is not recommended and sometimes forbidden to have sex during pregnancy in some cases:
- Placenta previa is, that is to say when it is located too low in the uterus because there is a risk of bleeding that can cause a placental abruption or hemorrhage;
- The threat of premature birth is severe. When the cervix is opened before the end of the "8" month, intercourse can cause a premature birth.

Conversely, sex is sometimes recommended to induce labor, especially when the due date is exceeded. This allows the cervix to open and contractions to start.

Multiple pregnancies
In a multiple pregnancy, the placenta implanted too low and other medical causes such as hypertension are all cons-indications.

Your sexuality in the first trimester

In early pregnancy, sex is an issue ... with envy!

In some women, nausea and fatigue the first few months can be a barrier to appointment the most romantic ... Others instead see their sexual appetite increased tenfold as a result of hormonal changes, but a sudden feeling of freedom in the absence of contraception. But if you're a little anxious in relation to your pregnancy and your future role as mother, the idea of making love could not even touch you!

Bottom line: talk to the dad!
In any case, do not let your partner in limbo, but calmly explain your mindset: Perhaps you will discover that arises exactly the same questions as you!

Marie 29 years
"When I was pregnant, I have not had any sexual desire. I was obviously very embarrassed with respect to Denis who did not understand my attitude of rejection. Finally I spoke to him frankly and I showed him of books in which they explained that my reaction was boring and had nothing to do with my feelings for him. "

Your sexuality in the second trimester

What about your sexuality, pregnant? The second trimester, up to tenderness!

Good news: the little aches and nausea the first few months have now gone and you're full of energy generally. But it does not necessarily guide to sexual desire ... The important thing is that the dad does not feel challenged: talk frankly with him and reassure him. Moreover, from this period of pregnancy, it is sometimes the libido of the future that turns Dad: you seem him more fragile and it certainly needs to get used to the presence of this little creature in your belly. Hopefully you, know that from the fifth month, sex can cause contractions that are quite normal.

Q2: the sweetness of first!
If you are accustomed to regard sex as a true "sports acrobatics", it would be better to change the registry for aggressive sports during pregnancy is strongly discouraged...

Your sexuality in the third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, necessarily, Baby takes more space! But that does not stop living your sexuality...

About seduction...
As your body changes, you may feel less attractive ... Do not worry, these new curves do not generally men flee. But do not worry if yours is less pressing.

A time just for you two!
Unfortunately, your future after 'cabbage is playing an increasingly large (it moves, its volume increases) and it can become difficult to make love without ever thinking the baby ... This is a purely cultural reaction but remember that it is there, it is just after intercourse!

As for comfort
When the belly increases in size, some positions become frankly uncomfortable or impossible: you must give particular the missionary position, in which man is over. This is an excellent opportunity to exercise a little imagination! Health wise, in couples where the man may have genital herpes outbreaks are advised to use condoms, from the eighth month to avoid triggering an outbreak of herpes in women before delivery.

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