

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sexuality and pregnancy, five questions that you may be asking...

The changes brought by pregnancy do not stop at the foot of the bed, and sexuality while experiencing great changes and questions ... not always easy to ask the doctor! That's why we say no taboos in some of them.
Is it true that you always want to make love?

Also true to say that all pregnant women want to have strawberries for 9 months! In other words, it's an urban legend.
Certainly, surges of sex hormones (probating) may boost the libido but there are other factors to consider: the body is changing and to be tamed, the chest becomes highly sensitive, sometimes painful, nausea and fatigue of the first month, not including the psychological and emotional upheaval that a pregnancy is. It is not uncommon that the libido is a roller coaster in some women. Do not worry if it does, the essential point being to listen to their desires and learn to replace the sex of tenderness, period!

My companion was afraid of hurting the baby...

Often libido is also turned upside down by the concerns of parents in general, and especially dads. Those husbands are reassured right away: it is physically impossible that the penis comes into contact with the fetus, and regardless of fetal size and penis...! Finally to convince, remember that promotes penetration (especially in the first quarter), the preparation of the pelvic muscles for childbirth. And through out pregnancy, complicity, pleasure, endorphins and well-being also benefit baby!

Are there any cons-indications to sex?

They may be discouraged in some rare situations: in some cases of twin pregnancy, in case of bleeding and pain when the cervix is dilated sooner than expected, when there is a risk of premature delivery.

There he positions worth avoiding?

There is no position of real danger that this baby: positions to avoid are those that are not comfortable. The rule applies especially from the second quarter, when the stomach is less and less ... forget the top 3 most uncomfortable: the missionary, forcing pregnant women to bear the weight of his partner when he does not bear on his hands, the Andromache, who forced this time to support Mr. upon himself the weight of its growing in the woman and her round belly, and the greyhound, as all positions uncomfortable lying on your stomach! The position of the spoon, the man behind the woman, both lying on the side, is one that collects the most votes.
Can you use sex toys during pregnancy?

In Denver, a study was recently presented linking exposure to bisphenol A during pregnancy and childhood respiratory problems.
However, most toys contain bisphenol A or phthalates, easily absorbed through the lining of the vagina. Since we now know the dangers of these chemicals, it is better to leave them in the closet for 9 months or prefer a clitoral vibrator

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