

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The after childbirth, some useful information

The great moment has arrived, you're just mom, even though it's been nine months since the good love for this little piece grows in you, you've just discovered your child! You reserve the next few days, or even the next few minutes, your body, your mood but also your baby, you're probably a little anxious, tired and need to be reassured. Here are some practical information on childbirth after recalling of course, that the experience and the first days of baby are not experienced by all in the same way know then give way to your own feelings and remember that 'if the little bit of blues best is to talk about it!

Your Baby

Baby has her first cry, it will now be provided first aid.
The airway will be cleared to enable him to breathe freely, since mucus can still stay there.
The umbilical cord is cut down there while the doctor will take a little blood to be used in some tests having no other purpose to ensure that your baby is healthy. A small piece of cord remains attached to the infant's stomach, no need to remove it, it will dry and fall off by itself.
Your child will then be weighed, info for the average weight of a newborn is between 2.7 kg and 3.7, below and above this weight it will probably tell you that this is a small or a "big "Baby.
Then, we measure and was administered a few drops of eye drops in the eye.

A bath may be given to your child, a popular stop for newborns found that the sensations and the heat they experienced in the womb. It should also be aware that his body has not the ability to adjust its temperature according to outside temperature. This little bit has cold, and immersed in a bath at the appropriate temperature it calms down.

Finally, the last tests will be conducted which will aim to ensure correct breathing, muscle reflexes, the beating of his heart, ...

You have noticed your baby looks like at the moment in anything like the classic baby that any mother is, and for good reason, it has just been born, it is red, slightly rumpled, he may still be a little down and protector is covered here and there a white substance called Vernice, which aims to protect his fragile skin.
Note that when baby is born his eyes may appear blue, but know he can still change colors and they will have their final color at approximately one month.
As for baby, it will stop looking like a newborn to take the appearance of a beautiful chubby baby into its third week.

Your child is born with great hair? this happens, although usually it's the contrite, however, it does not keep them, this hair will fall gradually to be replaced later.

Moreover, if his head looks very big at birth there is nothing wrong with that, it will apportion more "normally" As the weeks. And do not forget that his neck is not yet capable of supporting the weight of the head so it is important to keep!

Side feel your child is already a good student! He has such a great smell and in a few days he will be able to recognize you and your smell anything!
The taste is also quite developed for him and there is nothing like the taste of your milk, it will also make a difference with a lower quality of milk that may be reluctant to drink!
His hearing is pretty good, however his vision is rather "primitive", he would not see the colors, for example, and would only see up close.


On your side, you have just given birth and are at least proven. Your uterus is already beginning to decline and, first find normal size (which will take still some time), and partly down to his place "normal".
In the days after delivery, you will bleed more or less abundant during the first three days and much less after that time.
Your chest will it seriously swell and harden approximately 3 days after delivery, is the rise of milk. Think again to take care of your breasts, a good bra is essential, there are models specifically designed for this purpose which, in addition to being practical for breastfeeding, maintain perfect chest.

If you decided not to breastfeed, you will be given tablets to stop the flow of milk.

The back layer, i.e the rules after your first delivery, varies with women, but also if they breastfeed or not.
So if you are breastfeeding your period may take place at the end of lactation or even earlier, about 4 months after delivery (estimate varies from woman to woman)
Warning, remember that breastfeeding does not protect a new pregnancy during a certain period of time around 3 months after delivery, after which a pregnancy is possible even if you are breastfeeding!
If you are not breastfeeding, the back layer will take place earlier, between 4 and 7 weeks after delivery, again this may vary from one woman to another.

Giraudoux your perineum seriously! Rehabilitation sessions are planned for young mothers and supported by social security and it is better to do too much than not enough to prevent urine leakage that may occur in the future!

Regarding sex, wait until you have fully recovered and healed. Do not force yourself and even less if the reports are painful! If pain persists for too long, talk to your doctor who will prescribe appropriate care and advice.

Finally, a few words about the baby blues, this depression that affects some moms to get out of confinement. Tiredness or even exhaustion, crying, loss of interest in your surroundings, ... are in no way ashamed! This happens do not blame yourself and tell! Dad, your family should support you and help you so you can relax. Talk to your doctor and your friends, get out a bit when you have someone you trust to keep your baby ... well do you change the ideas and continue to take time for yourself without the guilt!

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