

Saturday, February 18, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 5th Week

The embryo, which grows very quickly, like a tiny tadpole.

The heart and circulatory system are beginning to form. The tiny heart begins to beat and pump blood.

Skin, hair, nails, mammary glands and sweat glands and the tooth enamel begins to form.

Food and oxygen to your baby now come through the umbilical cord and placenta.

Pregnancy symptoms can appear this week, if not already done so. This may include nausea, breast tenderness, fatigue and a constant urge to urinate!

weeks by week pregnancy - 6th week

Your baby is now the size of a small bean (4 to 5 mm in length).

The child, who begins to take shape, is a huge head and dark spots where her eyes and nostrils are beginning to develop.

Your baby's heart begins to beat twice as fast as yours, about 100 to 130 beats per minute.

The muscle fibers begin to form and in the middle of the sixth week, it is likely that his little limbs begin to move (though you will not feel movement at this stage).

Maybe soon you will notice that you are very emotional, that is to say a gloomy day, then playful the next day.

weeks by week pregnancy - 7th Week

Your baby is currently almost a centimeter and a half (½ inch)!

Her brain begins to develop, and his teeth inside his mouth and his ears are continuing their development. The eye color begins to develop.

His veins are clearly visible due to its skin is thin like paper.

You can not feel your baby move, but he is very active.

You have May still be nausea (not just in the morning). They should fade as the weeks of pregnancy progressed, but it is possible that you continue to go the bathroom often.

Friday, February 17, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 8th week

Your baby has is now the size of a haricot bean!

Her lashes cover almost his eyes. Her fingers and toes that stretch are still partially webbed. His arms were stretched out as her hands are now moving the wrist is attached at its heart.

Leaving the airways of the throat to the ramifications of his lungs develop.

You will are still not sure if you are expecting a boy or a girl's genitals because your baby has not yet taken shape.

weeks by week pregnancy - 9th week

Your baby measures nearly 2 ½ centimeters (1 inch) and take a form more human from week to week.

At this point, it may be that it does not show that you are pregnant.

Parts of the body, including organs, muscles and nerves begin to form.

All the major joints - shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and ankles - are mobile, allowing your baby to move his limbs.

The mood swings are now common. It is quite normal to be elated and terrified at the same time the idea of becoming a parent.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 10th week

This is the start of the "fetal period" during which the tissues and organs of your baby are developing rapidly.

Your baby is no longer an embryo!

He measures about 2 ½ centimeters (1 inch) from head to toe and weighs less than 7 grams (1 / 4 of an ounce).

The development stage the most critical is now closed.

Tiny fingernails and toes begin to form, and a sleeping bag begins to cover her body.

weeks by week pregnancy - 11th week

If you have more 35 years and have a family history of genetic disease like cystic fibrosis, perhaps you can consider taking a prenatal test called chorines villas sampling (C VS) is performed between the tenth and twelfth week and is used to detect certain diseases and genetic abnormalities.

A phenomenon funny your baby will may begin to have hiccups since now her diaphragm moves.

Tiny teeth begin to appear in the gums.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 12th week

Your baby is position now approximately 5 centimeters (2 inches).

The eyes, which were early on the sides of his head, are now closer to each other on his face and his ears are almost at the final position of each side of his head.

Your baby can have acquired more reflexes, including sucking. It can even squirm if you gently push on your abdomen, even if you do not feel its presence for several weeks.

You will not get to wear maternity clothing for some weeks yet, but you may have noticed that your waist thickens and you feel more comfortable in clothes looser.

weeks by week pregnancy - 13th weeks

your baby is still very small, since it measures only 7 ½ centimeters (3 inches).

The baby is you carry is now fully formed, despite its small size.

It has fingerprints.

A large number of women see the first symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness, subside. Unfortunately, heartburn can take over. Papaya is one of the foods that can help alleviate symptoms.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 14th week

You are beginning your second trimester. At this point, the risk of miscarriage has dropped dramatically since the development of your baby is almost finished.

Your baby measures now almost 9 centimeters (3 ½ inches) or the length of a lemon.

It is now producing urine and eliminates the amniotic fluid, a normal process that will continue until birth.

Thanks to the brain impulses, a small facial muscle are involved in a real workout, because now your baby squints, frowns and grimaces.

weeks by week pregnancy - 15th week

Your baby will is approximately 10 centimeters (4 inches).

It might be possible to know the sex of your child at this stage using an ultrasound, but nothing is guaranteed.

Even though your baby eyelids are sealed, it can perceive light. If you direct the beam of a flashlight to your abdomen, your baby will move away from that light.

You have probably taken a little over two kilograms (5 pounds) so far. However, weight gain varies from woman to woman.

Monday, February 13, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 16th week

Your baby is almost the size of a pear.

In the next weeks, your child will have a huge growth spurt so that it wills double its weight.

Because of the increased blood flow will display perhaps own radiant pregnant women?

Even closed and your baby's eyes begin to move (slowly). His toenails have even begun to grow.

You are may feel slight butterflies in your stomach, your baby is moving! Even if you do not feel your baby move, do not worry because some women do feel that from after the twentieth week.