

Friday, February 10, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 17th week

Your baby will measures approximately thirteen centimeters (5 inches).

The backbone, which was rubbery cartilage begins to harden and make the nature of the bone.

The hearing is also at the preliminary stage of development.

You will lose a little balance as you walk. Wear low heels to reduce the risk of falling.

In a vehicle, wear section of the ventral safety belt under your belly and very well adjusted to your hips for a maximum protection.

weeks by week pregnancy - 18th week

Your baby is now weigh almost two hundred and ten grams (7 ounces).

Whether your baby is a boy, his genitals are visible, but it is possible that the cache on ultrasound.

Your blood pressure measurements are probably lower than usual. Do not get up too quickly when you're lying or sitting position, or you may feel weak or dizzy be taken.

As your appetite as well as increase your waistline, you need clothes is now larger and more comfortable. Find clothing specially designed for pregnant women because they are more comfortable.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 19th week

This little creature in you position now approximately 15 centimeters (6 inches).

His kidneys continue to secrete urine, and hair grows on his head.

It is possible that you will experience round ligament pain caused by stretching of the fibro muscular band that supports the uterus. The symptoms include pain in the abdomen or even stabbing pain in one or both sides of the abdomen. If the pain gets worse or if in doubt, consult your doctor.

During pregnancy your nipples, the freckles the scars, underarms, inner thighs and vulva may darken.

weeks by week pregnancy - 20th week

Fantastic here you are halfway!

Your baby will weigh approximately three hundred and fifteen grams (10 1 / 2 ounces).

Your baby will produce meconium, a dark matter due to cell loss, digestive secretion and swallowed amniotic fluid. In fact, the meconium accumulates in the intestines and your baby will be her first stool.

You are probably took approximately 5 kilos (10 pounds). From now on, you can expect to take around 500 grams (one pound) per week.

weeks by week pregnancy - 21st weeks

Your baby now weighs about 375 grams (3 / 4 pound).

At this point, you probably feel your baby move.

You are not too big, and the pain and discomfort associated with early pregnancy are mostly missing.

You may be suffering from mild acne. In addition, varicose veins can appear on your legs as the veins on your body because of the increased pressure on your veins. Make a daily brisk walk can bring you relief, like raising your legs or fold on the left side, feet raised under a pillow.

weeks by week pregnancy - 22nd weeks

Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn to about 500 grams (1 pound).

Her skin will continue to have a wrinkled appearance until it more weight.

Her lips are drawn further.

His eyes grow, but the pigmentation is not completed.

You can start to notice stretch marks on your belly as the skin stretches to accommodate your baby grows. These little lines can appear on your belly, but also on your buttocks, thighs, hips and breasts. The lotion does not prevent elementariness not stretch marks, but they help to relieve itching and discomfort.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 23rd weeks

Your baby measures about 28 centimeters (11 inches).

He can hear outside noises that occur often strong, like the barking of your dog or the hum of the vacuum.

It is possible during your pregnancy you notice swelling, called edema, especially in the ankles and feet.

When you can, raise your feet, stretch your legs while sitting, do not sit for long periods, take regular exercise to increase blood flow and wear support stockings.

You should drink plenty of water as to be well hydrated actually helps prevent swelling.

weeks by week pregnancy - 24th week

Your baby measuring nearly 30 centimeters (12 inches) has a slender silhouette, but it will soon take the weight and have a fuller figure.

Your uterus is now at almost 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) above your navel, which means that the size of a balloon volleyball.

Between the 24th and 28th weeks, many women spend a glucose screening test designed to determine the presence or absence of gestational diabetes, that is to say an elevation of blood sugar during pregnancy, a condition that increases the risk of complications for the baby as a decrease in blood sugar at birth.

weeks by week pregnancy - 25th week

Your baby now weighs about 750 grams (1 1 / 2 pound).

As accumulates as the baby fat, wrinkled skin begins to smooth out.

The color and texture of hair is now more easily recognizable.

Your own hair is supplied and probably healthier than usual, because you do not lose their hair than normal you lose.

Perhaps you also notice that the hair on your body are darker and thicker. This condition is perfectly normal and everything back to normal a few weeks after giving birth.

weeks by week pregnancy - 26th week

Your baby now weighs a little less than one kilo (2 pounds).

As the nerve pathways in her ears grow, their reactions to sounds are more constant.

His little lungs are developing well.

At this point, it is possible that blood pressure increases slightly and return to normal pregnancy.

Pay attention to the following symptoms: swelling of the hands and face, sudden weight gain (due to water retention), blurry vision, for spots before the eyes, sudden headaches, throbbing

weeks by week pregnancy - 27th week

Your baby can now open and close his eyes, he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals.

He may suck his fingers.

The lungs are not yet mature, but would be capable of functioning - with assistance - if the baby was born prematurely.

Any rhythmic movement you can feel can be a hiccup that makes your baby, a situation that can often occur by the end of your pregnancy.

The brain of your baby is now very active.

weeks by week pregnancy - 28th week

Your baby measures about 37 centimeters (14.8 inches).

His eyes are now covered with cilia, and his eyes will be attracted by a bright light from outside continues.

Your baby is now preparing to live outside the uterus, as layers of fat begin to form on his body.

It is possible that you suffer from restless legs syndrome, also known as syndrome restless legs or impatience. This condition is accompanied by an irresistible urge to move the legs, which can prevent you to relax while you try to adjust your status. Try to reduce caffeine which can aggravate symptoms and massage your calves when they are tense.

weeks by week pregnancy - 29th week

Your baby now weighs about 1 1 / 4 kilo (2 1 / 2 pounds).

His muscles and lungs continue to develop as his head grows to accommodate his brain.

Nutritional needs of your baby reaches a peak during the quarter.

You and your baby need to eat well. Eat foods rich in protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron and calcium.

You should now feel more sharply the movements of your baby. If you notice a decline in business, talk to your doctor without fault or midwife.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 30th week

Your baby now measures just over 38 centimeters (15 1 / 2 inches).

Her eyes open and close, and can even track a light source in a back and forth.

These days, you may feel awkward. Not only are you heavier, but your balance is disrupted and your joints are looser because of the hormones secreted during pregnancy.

In fact, believe it or not, these loose joints can make your feet stretch to the point that you had to wear a shoe size larger and this permanently.

weeks by week pregnancy - 31st week

Your baby now weighs about 1 1 / 2 kilo.

He or she can turn her head from left to right.

If you notice a discharge of your breasts is perfectly normal. This is the "colostrum", the first milk secreted by the mammary glands. In such cases, it may be useful to purchase immediately a nursing bra in which you insert a nursing pads. We recommend that you buy a bra at least one cup size larger than the one you are currently wearing since your breasts swell during lactation.

weeks by week pregnancy - 32nd weeks

At this stage, your baby, which occupies a significant amount of space in your uterus, probably weighs almost 2 kilograms (4 pounds).

He now has toe nails and fingers.

Some babies have a full head of hair while the other babies head is covered with a small down.

You are now 500 grams (1 pound) a week, your baby takes about half that weight.

weeks by week pregnancy - 33rd week

This week your baby measures about 43 centimeters (17 inches).

His skin begins to be less red and wrinkled. While most of the bones harden, the skull is not flexible enough and fully welded. This is good news for you, since the passage of your baby in the relatively narrow birth canal easier.

You may feel some pain and even numbness in fingers, wrists and hands.

If you have trouble sleeping at night, place a pillow between your legs and another in the back. If this solution does not work, try sleeping semi-upright by placing a pillow behind your head (or, sleep in a recliner!).

weeks by week pregnancy - 34th week

Your baby is probably about 45 centimeters (18 inches).

His lungs are now fully developed.

99 percent of babies born at this age can survive and most do not experience serious long-term problems related to their prematurity. So if you are concerned about preterit labor, that which, hopefully, will help reassure you.

Many midwives recommend massaging the perineum (the region near the vagina) to prevent tearing during childbirth.

You may notice small red bumps or itchy welts on your belly. This is usually a benign skin disease called Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP commonly known).

Monday, February 6, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 35th week

Your baby is growing really, since it now weighs almost 2 1 / 2 kilos (more than 5 pounds) and measuring 45 centimeters (18 inches).

Your doctor or midwife will probably want to see you every week by giving birth.

As your baby takes up almost all of your womb, he or she will do more spins, but will continue to provide almost as many kicks before.

Having now completed its physical base, now take your baby's weight in the coming weeks.

weeks by week pregnancy - 36th week

At the end of this week, your baby will be considered completed.

Indeed, between 37th and 42nd weeks, babies are considered completed. A baby born before 37 weeks is considered premature and one born after the 42nd week, to be born after term.

Most likely, your baby at this stage a head down position for easy delivery. If your baby is not in that position for the next week, your caregiver (s) may suggest that you manually place your baby in this position by manipulation outside of your abdomen.

weeks by week pregnancy - 37th week

Your pregnancy is now considered over time, which means that because of the long-term development of your baby, he or she is able to survive outside the womb.

Now, your baby probably weighs more than 2 1 / 2 pounds (just over 6 pounds).

Many babies have a full head of hair at birth with a length varying from 1 to 3 centimeters (1 / 2 to 1 1 / 2 inch).

It may be that the hair color of your baby is different from yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes amazed at birth, their children have blond or red hair, and vice versa. And of course, some babies are born without a hair on your head!

weeks by week pregnancy - 38th week

Your baby has a firm grip.

Its organs are fully developed and well positioned, but his lungs and brain - though they are developed enough to work now - continue to develop during the childhood years.

You can not know right away the eye color of your baby.

If they are brown at birth, they are not likely to change.

If they are steel gray or dark blue, they can stay gray or blue, or until the age of 9 months, become green, or brown people.

weeks by week pregnancy - 39th week

Your baby is ready to be born! He or she now weighs over 3 pounds (more than 7 pounds). The boys tend to weigh slightly more than girls.

Your baby's organs are fully developed and well positioned, and the top layer of skin peels off as it is in the form of new skin.

At each visit, your midwife or doctor will do an abdominal examination to check the growth and position of the baby. He or she may also make an internal examination to check for effacement (thinning) and dilation (opening) of the cervix.

If the week passes and your baby does not give signs that he will soon be born, do not panic because only 5 percent of babies are born on time.

weeks by week pregnancy - 40th and 41st weeks

A newborn weighs an average of just over 3 kilos (7 pounds) and measures about 1 meter 10 (20 inches).

There is still no absolute certainty as to when work will begin. While calculating the date of delivery is reliable, some women pregnancy is prolonged without the experts really do not understand why.

If the work does not start alone, most doctors induce labor if you exceed the expected date of delivery of one or two weeks.

There are still a few weeks before your pregnancy is considered prolonged.