

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The evils of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period of intense physical changes and psychological. They are normal and most often cause
than inconvenience passengers. Their presence and intensity vary from one woman to another. Do not worry, the joy of bringing a child you will soon forget these little discomfort!

Digestive disorders

Nausea and vomiting
Very common in early pregnancy, they disappear in most cases from the third month.
It is best to treat them quickly. Avoid smells that you feel sick, eat complex carbohydrates and fiber.
Tips: Do not stay empty stomach, split your meals, prefer yogurt in small quantities, consume vitamin B6 (bananas, vegetables, green vegetables, cereals and wheat), avoid fatty foods difficult to digest. For treatment, use of suppositories that are better tolerated during nausea.

The pressure of the uterus on the stomach during pregnancy slows digestion and can cause heartburn. They generally appear when lying down or bending forward.
It should already avoid spicy foods or sauces, seasonings, vinegar, stimulants, coffee or tea and alcoholic beverages or drinks.
Tips: Split your meal, drink a glass of cold water, lie down on two pillows to elevate the head. In all cases, your doctor may prescribe an antacid allowed during pregnancy.

Prevention plays an effective role. Nutrition and physical activity are the two reflexes to adopt for your relief. If this persists, prefer the sound and fiber, green vegetables and fruits which are irritating to laxatives.
Tips: Drink plenty of water and think the glass of orange juice at sunrise.

The white discharge
Vaginal secretions increase but are a reflection of any inflammation. Do not panic, you will not burn or itch.

Oral disorders

They are more colorful, sometimes more swollen and bleed at the slightest touch.
Pregnant women are prone to gingivitis. Caution! Poorly treated gingivitis can progress to periodontists, more severe inflammation.
Tips: Be especially careful in terms of oral hygiene. Have regular follow your dentist, pointing out that you are pregnant.
To correct this, use a soft toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash adapted.

Beware of cavities that are more common during pregnancy.
Caries is a microbial infection as well as any other infection that can threaten pregnancy. It is therefore advisable to check the status of your teeth between the third and sixth months of pregnancy.

Venous disorders

Varicose veins
They are partly responsible for the sensation of heavy legs and can lead to complications.
Disfigurement is important and sometimes does not always disappear after delivery.
Tips: Avoid heat source that is close to your legs.
No heating in cars, no radiator heaters in the office! also avoid that which interferes with venous return. Use, if necessary, compression stockings.

They pose the same dangers as varicose veins, there are also dietary advice: avoid spices.

It is fluid accumulation due to water retention. We must ensure that they are isolated, without hypertension. The course of action is the same as for varicose veins.

Other Disorders

They sometimes go hand in hand with a feeling of numb limbs and tingling of the extremities, especially at night. Treatment with magnesium can reduce them.

Back pain
It often results from an attitude of excessive camber, sometimes like disorders sciatica. Consult a physiotherapist solve the problem in general. Prefer shoes with flat soles to suit your camber and avoid high heels.

There are rarely sleep before morning. Treat them not to arrive the day of delivery totally exhausted and enervated by those sleepless nights. Take advantage of maternity leave to rest!

Your sensitivity is all on edge. Anxiety and stress then take over. Calm down, relax and try to do a little more trust ... relaxation sessions will soothe you (yoga, stretching ...). Spoil yourself!

Skin disorders

During your pregnancy, your skin may undergo some changes. It is important to act quickly and take care of yourself so that everything returns to normal after delivery.

The mask of pregnancy
These are dark spots that sometimes appear very early on the face, especially on the cheeks and forehead.
They are accentuated by sun exposure. They usually disappear after delivery to reappear occasionally taking a contraceptive pill.
Tips: Some creams are able suppress them more or less. The simplest being to prevent, protect your skin with a sunscreen whenever your face is exposed.

Stretch marks
These brown lines come from the stretching and rupture of elastic fibers in the skin. They are colored as in pregnancy.
They settle at the beginning of the breasts, later on the belly and thighs. They are favored by the significant weight gain and sudden.
Tips: massage your body regularly with appropriate creams or sweet almond oil.

They result from the stretching to which your skin is subjected. They are safe when they are limited to certain areas of the body.
They are larger on the belly, fingers and toes.
Tips: You can reduce the use of soaps and acids specific tablets.

Pregnancy, banning antibiotics as well as vitamin A, makes its treatment difficult.
The remedies applied topically are generally not sufficient to eliminate it.
Tips: Clean your skin every day and have at all times strict hygiene.

More months pass and the risk of fungal infection is high. Pregnancy promotes attachment of fungi on the walls of the vagina because vaginal secretions become more important and thicken during this period. Check with your doctor.
Tips: Use a soap suitable for your personal hygiene. Do not neglect the rinsing and drying to avoid local irritation. Avoid bubble baths and scented soaps