

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sexuality and pregnancy, five questions that you may be asking...

The changes brought by pregnancy do not stop at the foot of the bed, and sexuality while experiencing great changes and questions ... not always easy to ask the doctor! That's why we say no taboos in some of them.
Is it true that you always want to make love?

Also true to say that all pregnant women want to have strawberries for 9 months! In other words, it's an urban legend.
Certainly, surges of sex hormones (probating) may boost the libido but there are other factors to consider: the body is changing and to be tamed, the chest becomes highly sensitive, sometimes painful, nausea and fatigue of the first month, not including the psychological and emotional upheaval that a pregnancy is. It is not uncommon that the libido is a roller coaster in some women. Do not worry if it does, the essential point being to listen to their desires and learn to replace the sex of tenderness, period!