1 The delay rules
This is one of the most obvious signs. However, external factors such as an intense emotional shock, a diet over the long term, a long illness, and certain medications can affect hormone balance and cause missed periods without pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test
This is one of the most obvious signs. However, external factors such as an intense emotional shock, a diet over the long term, a long illness, and certain medications can affect hormone balance and cause missed periods without pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test
2 Nausea
More than signs, these are symptoms of early pregnancy that can be. Nausea and vomiting may occur as early as the second week of pregnancy. These often morning sickness can last all day and are amplified by having an empty stomach.
More than signs, these are symptoms of early pregnancy that can be. Nausea and vomiting may occur as early as the second week of pregnancy. These often morning sickness can last all day and are amplified by having an empty stomach.
3 To pee more frequently
The frequent urination is typical of pregnancy. It is very common to have to go to the bathroom quite often during the first and last quarter. These desires are even one of the first signs of pregnancy, and are part of these hormonal changes your body undergoes.
The frequent urination is typical of pregnancy. It is very common to have to go to the bathroom quite often during the first and last quarter. These desires are even one of the first signs of pregnancy, and are part of these hormonal changes your body undergoes.
4 Sudden fatigue
A state of fatigue may be an early sign of pregnancy. The body undergoes hormonal and physiological upheaval that mobilizes energy. In early pregnancy, the general state of fatigue is manifested by difficulties in getting up in the morning, the cravings of napping and early sunsets.
A state of fatigue may be an early sign of pregnancy. The body undergoes hormonal and physiological upheaval that mobilizes energy. In early pregnancy, the general state of fatigue is manifested by difficulties in getting up in the morning, the cravings of napping and early sunsets.
5 The darkening of the skin surrounding the nipples
This change does not necessarily prove that you are pregnant. It may simply be a sign of hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy.
This change does not necessarily prove that you are pregnant. It may simply be a sign of hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy.
6 The most sensitive and swollen breasts
In early pregnancy and throughout pregnancy, the breasts begin a metamorphosis. From the first days of pregnancy, the breast is swollen and sometimes sensitive, sometimes even painful.
In early pregnancy and throughout pregnancy, the breasts begin a metamorphosis. From the first days of pregnancy, the breast is swollen and sometimes sensitive, sometimes even painful.
7 Cravings
Of course, it's not because you're hungry all of a sudden it means you are pregnant. By cons, combined with other symptoms, it can be a sufficient indication to tell you: start counting the days since the date of your last period
Of course, it's not because you're hungry all of a sudden it means you are pregnant. By cons, combined with other symptoms, it can be a sufficient indication to tell you: start counting the days since the date of your last period
8 Change in taste
You may notice that your sense of taste changes. Some women will not endure the taste of certain foods they like yet usually.
You may notice that your sense of taste changes. Some women will not endure the taste of certain foods they like yet usually.
9 Implantation bleeding or cramping
About 8 days after ovulation, you may have spotting ovulation. The "spotting" is a slight vaginal bleeding that looks like the rules, but much less abundant.
About 8 days after ovulation, you may have spotting ovulation. The "spotting" is a slight vaginal bleeding that looks like the rules, but much less abundant.
10 Insomnia
Sometimes early in pregnancy the woman has problems with insomnia at night.
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Sometimes early in pregnancy the woman has problems with insomnia at night.
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