

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The key stages of pregnancy

Each pregnancy progresses differently and the care you receive will be tailored to your state. However, understanding the major steps will help you live your pregnancy with confidence and follow step by step development of your unborn baby.

Week 3
This is probably the week your baby is conceived, as it begins the first day of your last period, and ovulation usually occurs 14 days later.

Week 4-5
You should realize that you are pregnant. Most pregnancy tests on the urine gives a reliable result from the delayed period. Make an appointment with your doctor who will confirm your pregnancy.

Week 6 to 10
If transmission risk of genetic disease, you can make a chronic villas sampling. Early review, in a few days it gives the same results as amniocentesis.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

General questions about pregnancy tests


Should you wait several days after the delay of your rules to make a pregnancy test?

No. Some pregnancy tests Clearblue are sensitive enough to detect hCG in your urine from the date your period. You can use some Clear blue pregnancy tests up to four days before your period, but levels of pregnancy hormone will perhaps not high enough in your urine to be detected. So if you test too early and your result indicates 'Not Pregnant', we recommend you do a new test on the date your period. Note that these instructions summarized and we recommend that you always read the label before taking a test.

I had unprotected se'x. When should I test?

We recommend that you perform the test at least 19 days after unprotected intercourse or from the date you expect your next period.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Stages of pregnancy

From the moment the pregnancy test will confirm that you are expecting a baby, you will spend time to bond with him and you will monitor their progress.

The first months

The 42 weeks are divided into three trimesters. During the first trimester, you should feel excited and anxious. Many mothers can not relax completely until the threat of a possible miscarriage is not removed, (for about 12 weeks).
From the physical standpoint, it is also the period when many pregnant women experience nausea or fatigue, sometimes both.
For some, these are the first signs of pregnancy. Your breasts may be more sensitive, and you may feel an urge to urinate more frequently, a metallic taste in the mouth, and a change in appetite.