

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The key stages of pregnancy

Each pregnancy progresses differently and the care you receive will be tailored to your state. However, understanding the major steps will help you live your pregnancy with confidence and follow step by step development of your unborn baby.

Week 3
This is probably the week your baby is conceived, as it begins the first day of your last period, and ovulation usually occurs 14 days later.

Week 4-5
You should realize that you are pregnant. Most pregnancy tests on the urine gives a reliable result from the delayed period. Make an appointment with your doctor who will confirm your pregnancy.

Week 6 to 10
If transmission risk of genetic disease, you can make a chronic villas sampling. Early review, in a few days it gives the same results as amniocentesis.

11-14 week
This is your first ultrasound that specifies the beginning of pregnancy, the number and vitality of the embryos, checks the development of the brain, abdomen, stomach and limbs, and evaluates the probability of chromosomal abnormality (thanks to the extent of the neck.

Week 15
You had your first consultation, to establish the declaration of pregnancy (to be returned to Social Security and Family Allowance before the end of the 15th week). You can search for a birth preparation that suits you.

Week from 16 to 18
It's time for a possible amniocentesis (for women aged 38 and over). Amniotic fluid is taken to diagnose a genetic abnormality. Results are available after 2 weeks. The triple test assesses the probability tiresome.

Week from 17 to 21
Women feel their baby move for the first time in this period. In reality, your baby is moving from the ninth week, but its small movements were not visible to you until now.

Week 21 to 22
At this time you will spend the second ultrasound, the largest, called "morphological". This is a comprehensive review that allows studying the organs and looking for abnormalities of the fetus. Attention ultrasound detects only about half of the anomalies. It also helps to know the sex of the child.

Week from 23 to 31
If you work, it's time to request a medical certificate confirming your pregnancy. Your employers will need to finalize the details of your maternity leave.

Week 32 to 34
It's time to make the third ultrasound. This exam will control the position and the baby's growth, and to detect any abnormalities late. It allows you to locate the placenta, necessary information for the day of delivery.

Week 35
According to the expected date of confinement, you take your prenatal leave. Maternity leave is 16 weeks (6 weeks before birth, and 10 after). The third child, he is 26 weeks (8 before and 18 after).

Week 36
If this is your first baby, he should "engage" this week or next week. It then descends deep into the pelvis in preparation for birth.

Week 37
You can prepare a suitcase now! With your spouse, make a tracing of the journey between home and motherhood, and follow this route on the day of delivery.

Week 38
Starting this week, you can be prepared to leave for maternity. If you have everything, enjoy these last moments at home to relax.

Week 42
The majority of women giving birth two weeks ahead of schedule. Your baby will then forward it is born between the 38th and 42nd weeks. Congratulations!

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