

Monday, March 5, 2012

Stages of pregnancy

From the moment the pregnancy test will confirm that you are expecting a baby, you will spend time to bond with him and you will monitor their progress.

The first months

The 42 weeks are divided into three trimesters. During the first trimester, you should feel excited and anxious. Many mothers can not relax completely until the threat of a possible miscarriage is not removed, (for about 12 weeks).
From the physical standpoint, it is also the period when many pregnant women experience nausea or fatigue, sometimes both.
For some, these are the first signs of pregnancy. Your breasts may be more sensitive, and you may feel an urge to urinate more frequently, a metallic taste in the mouth, and a change in appetite.

Your baby completes its main development in the 12th week of pregnancy, which applique the importance of folic acid during this period.
After the 12th week the fetus continua to grow, feeding on thanks to you via the placenta.

The mid-pregnancy

In the middle of the second trimester, your belly is well rounded. Your nipples and areolas are darker your. A brown vertical line is drawn from the navel to the pubic bone. Small bumps (tubercles of Montgomery) appear on the areolas and your breasts preparing for lactation. Most women feel their baby move between the 17th and 21st week, others will feel it sooner or later. This quarter is the most livable nausea or fatigue are gone, your belly is not yet much to bear.
So enjoy!

The end of pregnancy

At this point, some women have more energy and embark on preparations for the baby, while others, more tired, rest and are pampered. Most babies are placed upside down in preparation for birth. In the ninth month, your baby's head "is committed" (it goes deep into the pelvic cavity). The onset of contraction or loss of water ad delivery. With the onset of labor begins the countdown to the discovery of your child.

Duration of pregnancy

Doctors calculate the duration of pregnancy (42 weeks gestation) from the first day of your period.

* Most women conceive in the middle of the menstrual cycle (about 2 weeks after last menstrual period). When your doctor says you're 14 weeks pregnant, you are actually 12 weeks.
* However, it often happens that a baby comes into the world at any time between the 38th and 42nd weeks, and although it will give you an expected date of birth, it is unlikely that your baby is born on this date.

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