

Saturday, March 3, 2012

7 questions on the rights of pregnant women at work

Are you familiar with your rights during pregnancy in relation to your work? Here to help you some answers to these questions that torment you..

1. When announcing my pregnancy to my employer?

You have no obligation before you go on maternity leave, but do it as soon as possible to benefit from all your rights during pregnancy.
It is often advisable to wait until the third month of pregnancy, to avoid having to deliver bad news in case of miscarriage (miscarriages are more frequent during the first 3 months of pregnancy).
But it is also advisable to declare her pregnancy to her employer before the end of the fourth month, in order to receive benefits earlier than suggested in some collective agreements: reduction of working time, work arrangements or post..

2. Can my employer fire me during my pregnancy?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Top 10 signs of pregnancy unavoidable

1 The delay rules
This is one of the most obvious signs. However, external factors such as an intense emotional shock, a diet over the long term, a long illness, and certain medications can affect hormone balance and cause missed periods without pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test

2 Nausea
More than signs, these are symptoms of early pregnancy that can be. Nausea and vomiting may occur as early as the second week of pregnancy. These often morning sickness can last all day and are amplified by having an empty stomach.

3 To pee more frequently
The frequent urination is typical of pregnancy. It is very common to have to go to the bathroom quite often during the first and last quarter. These desires are even one of the first signs of pregnancy, and are part of these hormonal changes your body undergoes.

4 Sudden fatigue
A state of fatigue may be an early sign of pregnancy. The body undergoes hormonal and physiological upheaval that mobilizes energy. In early pregnancy, the general state of fatigue is manifested by difficulties in getting up in the morning, the cravings of napping and early sunsets.

5 The darkening of the skin surrounding the nipples
This change does not necessarily prove that you are pregnant. It may simply be a sign of hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy.

6 The most sensitive and swollen breasts
In early pregnancy and throughout pregnancy, the breasts begin a metamorphosis. From the first days of pregnancy, the breast is swollen and sometimes sensitive, sometimes even painful.

7 Cravings
Of course, it's not because you're hungry all of a sudden it means you are pregnant. By cons, combined with other symptoms, it can be a sufficient indication to tell you: start counting the days since the date of your last period

8 Change in taste
You may notice that your sense of taste changes. Some women will not endure the taste of certain foods they like yet usually.

9 Implantation bleeding or cramping
About 8 days after ovulation, you may have spotting ovulation. The "spotting" is a slight vaginal bleeding that looks like the rules, but much less abundant.

10 Insomnia
Sometimes early in pregnancy the woman has problems with insomnia at night.

Feel free to comment at the bottom of this article. Add other signs of pregnancy. Thank you for reading this Blog. I love Comments 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Due Date Calculator | Pregnancy Calculator

When using the the pregnancy calculator:
In between the date of the last menstrual period when and number of days into your the menstrual cycle pregnancies calculating, and click on Calculate button. Further calculations is optionally - use it if needed. An average, there is 28 days in the the menstrual cycle, but may take as little as 22 to as long as forty-four days. Pregnancies calculator in a your menstrual cycle into consideration when calculating the due date and date of conception. 

When was the first day of your last menstrual period?

Number of days in your menstrual cycle
Likely conception date:
End of first trimester (12 weeks):
End of second trimester (27 weeks):
Your due date is (40 weeks):
(1) Fetal age (from the conception date):
(2) How far along you are in your pregnancy:


How many weeks will you be pregnant on a given date?

Number of weeks you will be pregnant for:


On which date will you be pregnant for the given number of weeks?

The number of weeks:
Calculated date:


Given the birthday or due date, calculate likely conception date

Calculated conception date:
Due Date Calculator | Pregnancy Calculator | Pregnancy Calendar And Calculator By Week | due date calculator | Pregnancy due date calculator | Pregnancy guide | Due Date Calculator - Pregnancy Weeks Calculator | When was the first day of your last menstrual period | Likely conception date | How many weeks will you be pregnant on a given date? | On which date will you be pregnant for the given number of weeks? | Given the birthday or due date, calculate likely conception date

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ultrasounds - What is ultrasound?

There are three during pregnancy. They help you learn more about the welfare of your baby. These examinations must be performed by a medical specialist who must keep a high concentration in order to make a proper diagnosis. So do not be surprised or worried about his eventual silence. Even if that time is very moving and highly anticipated, you must let the doctor focus. He will share his findings when the investigation is complete when you can ask any questions you want.

What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a medical technique that allows exploration of the human body by a process similar to that of the radar, using ultrasound.
To complete this examination, a sensor transceiver is slid over the skin of your abdomen after the doctor you have spread a gel intended to promote the step-wise of the ultrasound.

The ultrasound is not painful at all. Rather, it is a moment that prospective parents are waiting anxiously.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Tobacco and pregnancy

The consequences of smoking on health are well known (cardiovascular risk, respiratory illnesses and even cancer ...).

Tobacco risks
Unfortunately women who smoke combine these with other specific risks: reduced fertility, octopus pregnancy and during pregnancy, premature birth, low birth weight, and respiratory consequences for the infant ...


Nicotine is responsible for tobacco dependence, it is what gives the "pleasure". Stopping the intake of nicotine produces a feeling of lack and need is the main cause of failure in smoking cessation.
We know that reducing the number of cigarettes smoked and causes a compensatory phenomenon that inhaling more intensely, the absorption of toxic remains the same.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nutrition and pregnancy

It is not necessary to disrupt the supply of a pregnant woman, because in reality it is not to eat for two. The body adapts to face a pregnancy. Some deficiencies or excesses can be harmful to the woman and her unborn child. Adopt a varied and balanced diet remains the most important point in all stages of pregnancy. For others, here are tips for New Moms Guide.

Before anything else ...
It is essential to maintain a balance between carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, meats, fish and dairy products. The oil and butter remain indispensable to meet the need for fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K and essential fatty acids needed for fetal brain development.

1.5 liters of water per day remains a need for a pregnant woman and may avoid a constipation problem that may arise during pregnancy.