

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Evolution of pregnancy, where are you? Month by Mount

Evolution of pregnancy, where are you?

Your belly swells seriously, your chest swells, you feel well or perhaps queasy, heavy or full of energy, your ankles swell, your navel point, ... you watch your body change and evolve you feel, but that is it your baby? And you reserve the coming months? To understand, prepare for and accompany your little one that grows at their own pace, nothing like to know! Here is a small reminder of the progress of your pregnancy and your baby to follow the adventure even closer!

The first month of pregnancy

This is the month in which your baby was conceived. Approximately 2-7 days after the meeting of egg and sperm, the egg as it is called now, has migrated into the uterus and implants itself in the mucosa for this purpose.
It is during your second week of pregnancy as the egg becomes an embryo, while during the third week a small primitive heart is formed and begins to beat, already!
The fourth week is eventful as the blood starts, organs and members not yet formed are preparing, we can already see a draft of the tongue and eyes.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pregnancy, the ninth month

So there you are in your ninth month of pregnancy, a pregnancy that is nearing completion which is not displeasing to you! If until now you feel more fit, fatigue now begins to weigh yourself just like this big you can hitch a little, no shame in being fed up, also as baby begins to feel cramped! The prospect of seeing your little delights you as much as that of childbirth scares you, that says the ninth month said imminent arrival of a baby, so you need to tweak your preparations but also relax in perspective of the great effort that you must provide. Here is some info on this last month of pregnancy, your body, your baby, your birth, all your concerns and challenges you.

Your Baby

Now your child is able to live even if born prematurely, her organs are all formed, and will continue to grow. It begins to look like a baby as we imagine: the fat accumulates under the skin loses its wrinkled appearance and at the same time as baby becomes plump, Angolan, a fine down covering his body gradually disappears little as well as the vernier white matter and fat that protects baby's skin in uteri.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pregnancy - preserve your chances!

Pregnancy, preserve your chances!

Many are those convinced that the pill will be enough to put aside to conceive a baby. Yet all is not always so easy and it is considered today not far from a couple of 7 would have difficulty conceiving a child. It is striking to note their surprise when they realize they are far from alone in this case, and yes, babies can sometimes be long or very long to point the tip of his nose, leaving room for doubt and fear of never being able to be parents, giving free rein to the desires of round belly and peonage.

Know, then put the odds in your favor, or in preparation for the stage, because pregnancy is a chance, and that women are not the desires of motherhood, those who have been trying for months or even years to design, which will tell you otherwise!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pregnant or not? What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Pregnant or not? What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Forgot pill or simply want to talk, when you think being pregnant, your body wakes up, and his every quivering takes us even further, now you find yourself watching our little belly in the mirror by imagining all round. So what are these symptoms of pregnancy? Here, to help you put your ideas in order, the most classic symptoms of pregnancy without forgetting that one woman to another, they are variable and diverse and that the only truly reliable way to know if you are pregnant or not is a pregnancy test in the clinic.

The absence of rules is, in general, the index number 1, this absence is in fact in many cases a sign of pregnancy. But your period usually come very regularly or, on the contrary, they come and go each month differently, stopping rules alone does not prove a pregnancy. There are other explanations for amenorrhea (or absence of menstruation), a psychological shock, anorexia, stress and fatigue, depression, can cause a period of amenorrhea greater or lesser extent.
Finally, some rules at the time, minor bleeding occur even though the woman is pregnant, this bleeding is neither rules nor alarming, but often by inducing error.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Getting pregnant - Few tips that could boost your chances

I put all chances on my side generally did decree of this mistaken belief pill rhymes with immediate pregnancy. They forget that nature is at your own pace and sometimes you have to wait, there is no particular reason. It also considers the "delay" means design to 4 months after first intercourse without protection, knowing that a year of unsuccessful attempt did nothing wrong, this is a period which is a sort of medium that can, for example, be extended by a hormonal imbalance, which may especially be induced by stopping the pill. Besides, if some get pregnant almost immediately, others may instead see the months pass without any sign of pregnancy, an agonizing wait but has, in principle, nothing alarming.