

Monday, April 2, 2012

Pregnant or not? What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Pregnant or not? What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Forgot pill or simply want to talk, when you think being pregnant, your body wakes up, and his every quivering takes us even further, now you find yourself watching our little belly in the mirror by imagining all round. So what are these symptoms of pregnancy? Here, to help you put your ideas in order, the most classic symptoms of pregnancy without forgetting that one woman to another, they are variable and diverse and that the only truly reliable way to know if you are pregnant or not is a pregnancy test in the clinic.

The absence of rules is, in general, the index number 1, this absence is in fact in many cases a sign of pregnancy. But your period usually come very regularly or, on the contrary, they come and go each month differently, stopping rules alone does not prove a pregnancy. There are other explanations for amenorrhea (or absence of menstruation), a psychological shock, anorexia, stress and fatigue, depression, can cause a period of amenorrhea greater or lesser extent.
Finally, some rules at the time, minor bleeding occur even though the woman is pregnant, this bleeding is neither rules nor alarming, but often by inducing error.

Nausea is also, one of the most famous pregnancy symptoms: feeling sick in the morning and sometimes throughout the day, the nausea can be triggered by an innocuous smell, vision of a Yet food enjoyed at the beginning ...
Over half of pregnant women suffer from nausea, however, the nausea usually occur at the end of the first month of pregnancy or even during the third month. So if your suspected pregnancy is relatively new, does not alert you to nausea, sometimes, the mind alone can trigger the symptoms of "evil" which he thinks suffer.

With nausea may also involve changes in tastes and desires. Foods are popular once stigmatized as disgusting and, on the contrary, other that we did not even make us feel. It is more sensitive to odors that seem much stronger, the cigarette example is hardly supported by pregnant women.

Bloating and pain in the lower abdomen, this is a symptom reported by many pregnant women. The feeling of being heavy, congested, bloated, and sometimes a pain similar to that which one feels just before the arrival of the rules, may be a sign of pregnancy, but also the arrival of a little late menstruation ...

A very tired, may also be the result of an early pregnancy. Exhaustion throughout the day, sleepy at 20:30, not the courage to do anything, and company ... This fatigue is actually triggered by a hormone, progesterone to the sedative effect recognized, and whose rate is particularly high in early pregnancy.

A heavy chest, tense and painful, may mark the early stages of pregnancy, but distrust, these symptoms also occur some time before the arrival of rules. This swelling of the breast is due to a surge of hormones, it can also cause a color change of the nipples darken visibly.

Laughing and crying for a yes or a no, this is another symptom often noticed, especially by men, bewildered by these reactions. Some women become hypersensitive, which can pass from laughter to tears in no time. This sensitivity is, apparently, due to an overflow of hormones. However many women have, for their part, felt no such feelings ...

You understood, the symptoms of pregnancy are extremely varied, there are many others, and likewise, many women feel nothing of it, living their early pregnancy without even the shadow of a nausea ... to each his sensations!

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