

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pregnancy - preserve your chances!

Pregnancy, preserve your chances!

Many are those convinced that the pill will be enough to put aside to conceive a baby. Yet all is not always so easy and it is considered today not far from a couple of 7 would have difficulty conceiving a child. It is striking to note their surprise when they realize they are far from alone in this case, and yes, babies can sometimes be long or very long to point the tip of his nose, leaving room for doubt and fear of never being able to be parents, giving free rein to the desires of round belly and peonage.

Know, then put the odds in your favor, or in preparation for the stage, because pregnancy is a chance, and that women are not the desires of motherhood, those who have been trying for months or even years to design, which will tell you otherwise!

To begin with, conventional recommendations are in order, being the first stop smoking! Indeed it is harmful to the lungs, it is also for fertility and studies have shown a decline in fertility rates up to 40% in heavy smokers. Similarly, young people are now warned, most smoking starts early, most stocks of eggs and sperm are aground!
Add to this that tobacco would also have adverse effects on implantation, i.e. the implantation of the egg (or ovum fertilized by sperm) into the uterine lining and the conclusion is quickly made!

A beat stress! It is also believed to be the scourge in many of the difficulties some couples conceive. Job, anxiety, couples, maternity desires, there are many causes of stress, you know then organize times and activities just for you, sport, holiday, hobby, ... Most importantly, try not to tirelessly set up your sex life on your ovulation periods, nothing worse for stress but also for the couple. These intimate moments must remain privileged moments where calculations, concerns, recommendations, ... does not belong! We know, easier said than done when you want a baby more than anything, but so essential for the couple and morale.

Young men, girls, protect yourself! The sterility resulting from contamination by sexually transmitted diseases are still valid even if there is an improvement in this area due to the use of condoms. It is important to continue to protect and regularly consult a gynecologist to perform routine tests, starting with the smear.

Finally, if women now believe they have all the time to be a mother, it is important not to do it too late. We note indeed that the first child is conceived today relatively late (mean 30 years), only now, we forget that fertility drops sharply at around 35/37 years. Know, then plan your pregnancy by taking into account the nature and especially if you want more children.

Namely, it is now considered necessary to consult a fertility specialist after a year of testing, so no reports of contraceptive. Examinations can be performed so as to target the cause of these difficulties and to benefit from appropriate treatment.

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