

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Evolution of pregnancy, where are you? Month by Mount

Evolution of pregnancy, where are you?

Your belly swells seriously, your chest swells, you feel well or perhaps queasy, heavy or full of energy, your ankles swell, your navel point, ... you watch your body change and evolve you feel, but that is it your baby? And you reserve the coming months? To understand, prepare for and accompany your little one that grows at their own pace, nothing like to know! Here is a small reminder of the progress of your pregnancy and your baby to follow the adventure even closer!

The first month of pregnancy

This is the month in which your baby was conceived. Approximately 2-7 days after the meeting of egg and sperm, the egg as it is called now, has migrated into the uterus and implants itself in the mucosa for this purpose.
It is during your second week of pregnancy as the egg becomes an embryo, while during the third week a small primitive heart is formed and begins to beat, already!
The fourth week is eventful as the blood starts, organs and members not yet formed are preparing, we can already see a draft of the tongue and eyes.

For your part, you just barely learn your pregnancy will not delay to detect. You do not have your period and pregnancy test is positive. Your chest changes, it can be painful, the alveolar darkens and enlarges sometimes during the fourth week of pregnancy. It may be that you have to pee often and be particularly tired. And of course, the famous Morning sickness can spoil a little life, but rest assured, not for long!

It's time to make an appointment with the doctor to arrange visits to come and take stock, but also to select and enroll in a maternity.

The second month

Here it is at the 5th week of pregnancy, the beating of his little heart can be heard on ultrasound! The brain of the embryo develops very quickly, while his ears, his nose but his jaw begin to form.
During the sixth week, your child's sex is determined but not yet visible on ultrasound, the skin and the spine begin to form.
Baby starts moving around the seventh week, but you do not feel it yet, fingers and toes are formed, as his eyes and muscles.
The heart is divided into a right side and left side around the eighth week while the hands and feet are already trained.

For you, the second month of pregnancy can be a somewhat difficult period. Up to and nausea vomiting, bloating, heavy legs, constipation or even pregnancy mask can come to spoil the first few weeks of "cohabitation".
It's time to rest since the early weeks of pregnancy are the most delicate, the embryo is not always very well hung, the risk of miscarriage is much more important the first few weeks. Thus, avoid intensive exercise, stress, and call your doctor in case of severe pain in the lower abdomen.
But beware, not paranoia either, it may be that you feel small pain or cramping of the uterus because that is expanding in order to adapt to the embryo.
This is also the time to make a careful attention to your chest swells already visibly, consider anti-stretch mark cream!
Also remember to go to the dentist, the "disruption" caused by pregnancy hormone combined with gum problems can have severe repercussions on your teeth.

The third month

9th week of pregnancy and your baby's heart may beat up to 160 beats per minute, now it is about 5 cm and weighs no more than 10 grams. It is no longer an embryo but a fetus.
It grows very rapidly since the space of a month will increase from 5 cm to 12 cm. At the 10th week the fetus gesticulates but you do not always feel activate.
Reaches the 11th week and the nostrils of your little open, his bones are first formed and some ribs emerge. At the 12th week of fetal sex glands begin to secrete hormones while the placenta is finally formed.
It was around the 13th week that the joints become operational, your little one can open or close her hands but her mouth while her skin pigmentation process starts.

For you, the changes are felt also. Your heart speeds up and you are easily tired, having said that, in principle nausea should subside.
Your uterus rises progressively into the abdominal cavity to save space which reduces your bladder, compressed by the uterus growing, beginning to feel a little overwhelmed.
Now, you must eat healthy! Indeed your baby needs, too, essential elements for growth and "provides" in your blood, you have so much iron and vitamins, plus calcium and minerals. Finally, you need to eat good, fresh food and prefer natural, rich in good things.
It's at the end of the third month of pregnancy the belly begins to swell, although more discreet.
Watch your hygiene, urinary tract infections should be avoided during pregnancy.

The fourth month

During the fourth month your baby will gain about 7 cm and a lot of weight since it will weigh about 200 grams at the end of this month. His legs are getting longer because until now they had to very nearly the same size as her arms and he can now move his eyes although he keeps them closed.
The skin of the embryo is still transparent. His gut is formed gradually. You may begin to feel it move, but if this is not the case, no need for alarm is surrounded by amniotic fluid that attenuates its movements. After the 17th week of pregnancy, the embryo is 19 to 20 cm.

In your case, it gets better, especially if you have had a difficult early pregnancy. You get in shape even if your gut may be slightly sluggish because of you secrete progesterone. Opt for fiber and drink plenty of water.
Your stomach it, because your uterus swells has now, the size of a large grapefruit.

The fifth month

At the end of this month, your baby will weigh about 500 grams and measure about 26 cm. The heart of your child has grown and will continue to grow rapidly. Link some hair on his little skull while the nerve cells become active and multiply.
Your baby sleeps a lot, so it is quiet most of the time. It can sleep up to 20 hours a day, but during the hours he has left, he wriggles! He begins to suck his thumb toward the 21st week and his skin thickens gradually. It opens your eyes and still has not fat.
Curious to know if it's a boy or a girl? It was around the 20th week that her gender will be visible on ultrasound, but beware, there may be errors, ultrasound is not 100% sure.

You, you should monitor your weight, eat well but make sure a regular weight gain and reasonable. It may be that you often too hot and you perspire more than usual because your body temperature rises slightly. Similarly you short of breath quickly, learn to breathe deeply and calmly, ask about the course of preparation for childbirth.
Your blood circulation slows due to increasing your blood volume, some inconvenience may be felt by: heavy legs, tingling in the limbs or even varicose veins. If the discomfort is too much talk to your doctor.

The sixth month

Now your baby moves a lot, he kicks, his muscles are strengthened and it shows! He begins to secrete the ivory that will train its teeth, as well, his nails are preparing, not yet out but they are present under the skin.
After the 26th week of pregnancy, it measures around 30 cm, hear and begins to grow, the fat appears and "coats" your baby. Other big news now, he pees!

You begin to have trouble finding your position, especially for sleeping, sleeping difficult, intestines and stomach lazy, baby banging bluntly ... you are in the 2/3 of your pregnancy and baby is growing space.
Continue to eat healthy by avoiding too much fat, too salty, too sweet, but ... by eating their fill, it is not to be anemic!
Around the 26th week you will gain weight steadily and rapidly, you will probably feel heavier and will probably back pain, regular classes in the pool could relieve your back and your body more generally. Remember to leave, you aerate and walk at a brisk pace to boost your blood circulation.

The seventh month

Baby does not have much space as it measures almost 37 cm at the end of the seventh month to about 1.5 kg. It moves so much more but it opens your eyes can not see much has not yet stimulated by light. However, his sense of taste develops.

It's time for you to start the preparation for childbirth that will help you greatly on D-Day You need to rest and avoid pushing too hard can cause premature delivery. Stop sport and beware of infectious diseases:
Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, do not consume more cheese or other dairy products made from raw milk, cook the meat generously and avoid dogs and cats.

The eighth month

At the end of this month, your baby will weigh about 2 kg or a little larger and will measure about 42 centimeters. Her skin Rosie but she is still not smooth. Your baby will gradually return to position itself head down to the 33rd week.

You are therefore at your penultimate month of pregnancy, your belly is very round and now you can feel some discomfort when you sit.
Know that your baby needs lots of calcium and it is through you, so watch out for your teeth because it is baby first and then you, if you do not have enough of it is your teeth and bones that will suffer.
Sometimes small contractions are felt at the end of the ninth month, stay calm this does not necessarily mean the beginning of labor. If it does not stop and approach, you can go to motherhood.

The ninth month

Your baby will gradually descend in the pelvis and is preparing to leave. The fat accumulates beneath the skin that deferent. It barely moves more because it no longer the place. Childbirth is not very far.

Your belly is heavy and your spine compensates by bending more. Relax and lie down when needed to relieve your back.
Prepare your suitcase for motherhood and stay ready. You probably feel tired, queasy sometimes weak, courage soon the end of pregnancy and a new stage!
When you lose water, go immediately to motherhood. However, sometimes contractions do regular even before the waters have been evacuated, in this case it is time to go there also.

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