

Monday, April 9, 2012


Definition Pregnancy Test A pregnancy test gives precise indications about the presence of a specific hormone: the human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG or, or beta-HCG). This hormone is detectable about eight days after fertilization. Indeed, once achieved fertilization and the appearance of the egg, it remains free and is floating in the tube until it reaches the uterine cavity and bind via one of its ends. The cells of this end will then begin to secrete a hormonal substance (beta-HCG) to maintain ovarian secretions to the rules of no return: single condition that the egg remains attached to the uterine parodies.
This hormone chorionic gonadotropin (glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy, produced by the embryo soon after conception and later by the fibroblast - part of the placenta -), not present in women unmated, which is detected by the pregnancy test.
The amount of HCG double approximately every two days until the twelfth week of pregnancy before falling, it remains detectable in blood and urine throughout the pregnancy period.

There are several types of pregnancy tests:

1 - Definition urine pregnancy test
It can detect human chorionic gonadotrophin in urine by the presence of antibodies that react positively or negatively by displaying a specific color.

2 - Definition pregnancy test by blood
After an appointment with your GP, it may prescribe a blood test at a testing laboratory. The principle is the same as for a urine test: detection of the hormone HCG.

3 - Definition pregnancy test saliva
Its main asset is its ease of use.
Once the pregnancy test is chosen, it is necessary to know precisely its reliability rate to avoid any unpleasant surprises...

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