

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

weeks by week pregnancy - 31st week

Your baby now weighs about 1 1 / 2 kilo.

He or she can turn her head from left to right.

If you notice a discharge of your breasts is perfectly normal. This is the "colostrum", the first milk secreted by the mammary glands. In such cases, it may be useful to purchase immediately a nursing bra in which you insert a nursing pads. We recommend that you buy a bra at least one cup size larger than the one you are currently wearing since your breasts swell during lactation.

You may notice that sometimes the muscles of your uterus harden. These muscle contractions are expected to last 30 to 60 seconds and be casual and painless.

Remember that at this stage, the development of your baby is not yet mature. If you have frequent contractions (even painless), it may perhaps be a sign of premature labor.

Contact your doctor or midwife in the event of an increase or change in vaginal discharge, abdominal pain or cramping similar to menstrual cramps, more than four contractions per hour, an increase of the pressure in the pelvic pain or lower back, especially if you have not already felt his discomfort.

If you are expecting a boy, the time may be propitious to think / discuss (with your spouse) to do or not to circumcise.

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