

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Feeding a pregnant woman, some benchmarks

Expecting a child is a delight but also a heavy responsibility. The mother is no longer alone and must take care of her for taking care of her baby whose growth and proper development are greatly helped by a healthy lifestyle. Obviously, this requires above all the power, subject to which many "they say" and misconceptions floating around, then say it clearly, eat when you're pregnant is not that complicated!

The key to a pregnant woman, as to all causes, is to foster a balanced and varied diet. We wrongly think that a pregnant woman is supposed to eat for two, which is not necessarily true, as it is not advisable to eat more, but eating better, eating their fill of course.

Here are some tips about the different food categories, some being to consume at each meal, others in moderation:

For starters, it teaches you nothing, fruits and vegetables, at least 5 per day!
After up to you, vary the pleasures and their preparation, raw, in salads, cooked, or even canned or frozen, again the key is to eat a little of everything. Another tip, if cravings during the day, go for one or fruits as well as dried fruits (walnuts hazelnuts, cashews, ...) rather than the sweet.

A caution during pregnancy, always wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them. Microbes, bacteria and pesticides do not mix well with pregnancy.

Dairy products should be consumed every day, we advise the mother to eat about 3 a day. Again the key word is variety, it says some tips in your choice: prefer products with less fat, less salt and more "nature".
As for cheese, we recommend that pregnant women prefer cooked pressed cheeses, ie hard cheese (which are generally less fat), such as Comte, Beaufort, Em mental, Gruyere, ... which must be removed before eating the crust. The soft cheeses such as Camembert, brie, ... are recommended for pregnant women because enabling the bacteria listeria.

Meats, fish, seafood and eggs are consumed once or twice a day with few nuances.
Again, how in the variety and prefer songs or less fatty meats (chicken, veal, ...), although you can sometimes opt for a red meat.
In general, these products must be consumed in amounts less than the rest of your plate, which must therefore contain more starchy foods, vegetables and / or raw vegetables as animal protein.
As for fish, even if you do not eat very little in normal times, during pregnancy it is important to consume at least twice a week, including once when you choose a fatty fish (salmon, sardines , herring, mackerel, ...) very rich in omega 3.
It is essential to adequately cook meats and fish to avoid listeria's and toxo plasmosis. In the same vein, avoid certain meats including liver products, frozen products, roulette's and pates.
Finally, do not eat undercooked or raw meat and we discourage seafood, fish and seafood to eating raw (oysters, sushi, and trauma company).

Cereals, breads, pulses and other starchy foods are consumed at each meal. Generally it is to consume "good amount" because they have high satiating power and are full of good things.
However, a council, all cereals are created equal, prefer the complete whether for breads, pasta, rice, ... rather than refined. In contrast, soy products are, themselves, in moderation during pregnancy, not a day more.

Sugar is also in moderation. If it is proved that it is necessary for good health, it is also proven to be harmful if consumed excessively, either for you or your baby. Thus, pastries, candies, but also soft drinks, nectar's and fruit juices (which are very sweet fruit as well) should be limited consumption.

It comes to salt, such as sugar, should be consumed in small quantities, avoid over-salting your food, do not resales ready meals, avoid adding salt to cooking water and avoid products for an aperitif (crisps, salted peanuts, etc.) that contain too much salt!

The fat must also be a reasonable consumption, limit especially animal fats such as butter and cream and prefer vegetable oils (walnut, olive, rapeseed , sunflower, ...) by varying much as possible.

Finally, drink plenty of water, but have a light hand on the coffee and tea, which, if they are not harmful to the baby, can cause accelerated heart rate, as for us, no more then 3 cups.
We can not say it enough, do not drink a drop of alcohol during pregnancy, it is proved and reproved, baby suffers!

As a guide, the recommended weight gain during pregnancy is about 12 pounds. It must therefore remain moderate, partly because a moderate weight gain is better for the baby's health and that of the mother but also because it would promote a "good" delivery. It is essential that this be done gradually making weight, even if it is found it is much higher during the second half of pregnancy, when it benefits mainly the baby's growth.

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