

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Infections and risk during pregnancy

Be especially vigilant with hygiene when you are considering pregnancy, this will allow you to prevent most risk of infection. Some infections are mild for pregnant women, but others may have serious consequences for the mother (toxoplasmosis and listeriosis)...

During pregnancy: Wash hands often

    With soap if possible and by brushing your nails, especially after using the toilet, after child care, after gardening or touching objects contaminated with soil or sand, after touching an animal.
    Avoid changing your own cat litter (to change daily ideally). If you do, wear gloves and wash your hands afterwards.
    After handling raw food (meat and poultry, eggs, vegetables), wash your hands properly and thoroughly clean the work surface and utensils.

Pregnancy: In the kitchen

    The refrigerator: Wrap foods well fragile (meat, fish, ready meals) and place them in the coldest zone. Separate raw and well cooked food. Put any leftovers in the refrigerator and do not keep more than 2 to 3 days maximum. Clean the refrigerator regularly with detergent, rinse with clean water then disinfect with a bleach solution. Do not thaw foods at room temperature and refrigerate.
    The Freezer: The meat should be frozen for long periods several days at -18 ° C.
    Food preservation: It is best to avoid recipes that contain raw eggs (chocolate mousse or homemade mayonnaise, for example), but if you do, do not keep leftovers: discard what you have not eaten immediately. Check use-by dates (DLC) products and consume them quickly after opening.
    Cooking: Be sure to cook all "products": meat and fish. A grilled or roasted meat "well done" loses its red color is beige and pink heart. Reheat the already cooked food or leftovers, so they are warm uniformly.

Important: Keep a refrigerator thermometer in your refrigerator regularly and make sure the temperature is between + 0 ° C (the coldest) and + 6 ° C (hottest point).

Pregnancy: Preventing listeriosis and toxoplasmosis

Without upsetting your diet, avoiding certain products reduces the risk of infrequent infections, listeriosis and toxoplasmosis, usually not serious but can, when you are pregnant, have a serious impact on your child.

    "Forget" foods for 9 months: The Wisteria is widespread in the environment, can be found in foods of plant or animal origin, even if they were refrigerated. During your pregnancy, so it is recommended to avoid: the soft cheese with bloomy rind (like Camembert, Brie) and washed rind (Munster type, bridge-the bishop), especially if they are made from raw milk; grated cheese industry. Remove the crust of all cheeses and some deli meats, including roulettes, pates, for grass, jelly products, raw meat or undercooked, raw shellfish, raw fish (sushi, surmise, trauma), smoked fish (salmon, trout).
    Take some precautions: Toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasite found in the earth, and so on plants or meat. It can be contaminated if food is consumed undercooked or unwashed. In early pregnancy, a blood test tells you if you have had toxoplasmosis. If this happens, you are immune. If this is not the case, you are not protected and regular blood tests will be required to verify that you are not infected. If you are not protected from toxoplasmosis: do not eat raw or undercooked meat, avoid pickled or smoked meats (game) unless they are fully cooked, and carefully wash the vegetables, fruits and herbs to remove any residue of their land. Do not eat if you do not know how they were washed.

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