

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pregnancy after 35 years

Women over 35 who are embarking on a pregnancy, guilt and sometimes deal with reactions to the judgment of the entourage. However, later pregnancies are becoming more numerous, and when properly framed, they usually go well. The desire to grow professionally, studies is longer, and once in the workforce, we must also build a career result, we begin to have children later!

Other economic reasons, the constantly rising property prices is a factor that delays the time to have a baby, many couples prefer to own, and asking exorbitant prices to have a regular cash income and sizable.

Do not forget the huge increase in the number of households recomposed, where parents wish to have children together. In short, having a baby after 35 years has become quite common. And then having children later also has advantages: it feels more mature, and it has better financial resources so we can more easily escape.

What are the risks of late pregnancy?
The most feared risk is primarily that of conceiving a child with Down syndrome, because the risk is much higher past 35 years.

However, screening by amniocentesis, which is also routinely offered from 38 years to detect the disease from the third month.

Next, the health problems experienced during pregnancy (hypertension, gestational diabetes ...) are more common with age and fatigue is greatest. The risk of miscarriage and prematurely are also higher.

Pregnancies after age 35 should be closely monitored because it is through regular monitoring that the mother is going to experience any major problems during pregnancy.

Finally, the time of delivery can be tricky
moms know more than 35 years of Cesarean sections than normal, because, first presentations seat and bleeding are more common, and secondly, as many of them resort to stimulation of the ovulation, multiple pregnancy (resulting in a cesarean more often) are also common.

Declining fertility
More complications, the dominant issue for couples wishing to have children later, is the decline in fertility from the age of 35. Doctors recommend that couples where the woman over that age, to see after six months of trying.

Several solutions are available to them; first, the doctor may suggest a hormonal treatment that will improve ovulation, i.e. as many eggs will be produced during the same cycle. It is this ovarian stimulation which causes multiple pregnancies.

Artificial insemination, which involves arranging the man's sperm directly into the uterus of the woman, can also be a solution. The in-Vito fertilization, she is contacted outside the female body, an egg and sperm previously selected. The resulting embryo is then replaced in the uterus.
Finally, the woman can also conceive a child through egg donation: one that comes from a donor is fertilized by the husband's sperm outside the body, before being placed in the uterus femme. Pour of those who want to put all their chances on their side from the start, doctors advice to quit, minimizing their drinking and resting.

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