

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What milk to give baby?

That baby is, from birth, suckled the bottle or he started his life as a gourmet breakfast with mother's milk, there comes a point where it must choose a formula, it is the first age, second age growth or milk. And for mom starts the dilemma and sometimes the obstacle course to find the right milk, one that will please the taste buds of the little one, as its stomach! Here are some tips on baby formula, which to choose and when to change light on the baby's bottle.

To start, you probably had to explain it, but a reminder never hurts:
Baby will drink her milk for infants (if you're not breastfeeding) until its about 6 months, then to the seventh month, baby begins to try new foods, he began what is called dietary diversification. It's time for him to choose a second milk or milk age on. Your child will consume her milk on until its about 1 year of age, when you can pass it to a growing up milk.

If you have breastfed and, constrained by the resumption of work or other reason, you need to get baby formula, select it according to his age as explained above. Above all, do not feel guilty, infant formulas have come a long way, made today to move closer to better breast milk, they are subject to very strict standards in order, inter Alia, to bring to baby everything it needs to grow well.
Perhaps, when you switch to breast milk to infant formula, your child sulks latter, understandably, he was accustomed to what was the best! In this case, try different milks and once you have got hold of the elected (for baby), do it there.
Baby can also end up sulking a milk he nonetheless agreed previously, in this case change-in, it's just that he loves the taste. Be aware also that the formulas are sometimes lightly flavored with vanilla, for example, your child feels so unlike when you change or may get tired of a particular flavor.
Note however that if your child has become accustomed to a milk and it does not show of discontent, it is better to keep it since it will discourage too frequent changes of milk that could shake up the baby's intestines.

There are many infant formulas, the big news being the rich, such as those famous macrobiotics with the aim, they say, to strengthen the intestinal flora of children. There, it is your choice, conventional milk (already enriched with a number of elements) or milk called "enriched" in vogue these days, knowing that you can change it if it does not fit your child.
Namely, bloating, constipation or frequent diarrhea even in the baby (5 months before her) may be a sign of lactose intolerance or allergy. In this case ask your pediatrician may recommend a suitable milk you find in pharmacies.

The second age milks are fortified with vitamins and essential fatty acids to give your child all the essential elements it needs, since budding gastronome can still eat anything. Remember that food diversification should be gradual and that certain foods are not recommended him, feel free to ask your pediatrician for advice, again, to know what foods to avoid.

Then when your child celebrates its first anniversary, it is advisable to go to growing up milk at 500 ml per day, representing, for example, a bottle in the morning for breakfast and a bottle to taste. Milk growth is, too, fortified with vitamins and minerals needed for growth of the child we advise until three years of age, when conventional cow's milk can take over.

Add to finish the preparation of the bottle can be done with tap water provided it is good, but if you use a water filter or softener, you should use bottled water .
Do not use hot water to prepare but cold water, then heat the bottle to bottle warmer (never microwave). Always remember to check the temperature of the bottle before giving it to baby.
Milk from a bottle and heated to be consumed quickly, if baby wants more discard.
Conclude by stating that it is essential to always wash the bottles, they can be put in the dishwasher by choosing the cycle at 65 °, however, we never put nipples in the dishwasher! Using a bottle sterilizer for up to 4 months is recommended, at least, of the child for thorough sweeping.

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