

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Baby in the summer should be well protected

At home or on vacation, take this baby was growing and the pace of his discoveries, flowers, beach, swimming and frolicking possibility of the buttocks to air, this is a great season for our kids! That said, beware of the sun, if it has its good points, he does not forgive for the youngest, precautions are taken to a summer without a hitch. Heat stroke, dehydration, small rash or diarrhea, the youngest are subject to many evils in this beautiful season their bodies are less operational than ours, so it's up to us to protect them. Here are some precautions and actions essential to adopt to enable small to enjoy the summer safely.

It protects the heat

When we too hot, the reflex of our organization is to regulate its temperature through perspiration. Small, they are still very unprepared for the heat, their bodies are not yet mature enough to do the same, they perspire very little.
Result, too much sun and / or heat and is heat stroke, the baby face turns red, it has a high fever, nausea, headache and you panic, rightly, the consequences a heat stroke can be dramatic!
So a single board, as far as possible protect the small heat:
No direct sunlight for three years, we avoid the beach and outdoor activities between 12 and 16 hours and when the pups are out it is with hat, t-shirt, sunscreen and umbrella as if it is too hot.
Consider also offer water as often as possible to your child. Dehydration is very dangerous for small and they are particularly susceptible in summer. Do not wait to drink it claims to offer him the bottle. The ideal is to give him water, unlike juices and syrups, not cut appetite, but fruit juice is better than nothing!

Baby's room is particularly warm summer? Then leave the window open from early morning or at night and close the curtains all day (do not forget the mosquito bites if not beware!).
If the nap time room sounds too hot to prefer a more cost to install the bed and buy him sleep in bed.
Similarly, never leave a child in the car, even the time of a race, with the summer sun, a car quickly becomes a real furnace! Station also pram, even with sun screen, this confined environment very quickly overheated.

Baby has had a heat stroke? It will be to lower its temperature but gradually. Wrap it in a damp and cool, you can try giving him a drink but be careful, nothing too cold, as well, a bath can help too but it does differ with body temperature (no more than 2 ° less than body temperature) to avoid thermal shock.
Anyway if the infant is still very small (less than 6 months), its temperature is high or he loses consciousness, call the emergency immediately.

Baby has diarrhea!

We tend to drink small fruit of all kinds in fine weather, a good idea except when diarrhea occurs. If this is the case, one stops, stewed fruit, very fibrous vegetables (green vegetables are rich in fiber) and juice until everything goes in order and he was asked to drink throughout the day. Indeed, diarrhea also run small (and large) risk of dehydration, so it is important to give him to drink more than usual.
For toddlers, there are oral re hydration solutions, a good reflex as they are rich in minerals and, in fact, for diarrhea, baby needs. The only problem is often reluctant to swallow the little that these solutions are far from the good old taste of their milk, in this case, they will have him mouth to using a pipette in small quantities. If in doubt, ask your pediatrician. Similarly, if the diarrhea persists, take your little one to the doctor who will make sure he has not lost too much weight, it is better not to leave.

Baby's buttocks are scarlet!

It's hot and humid buttocks macerated baby in the bed in just a few days here they become scarlet, ouch. To avoid this or soothe irritation, remember to leave his ass in the air as often as possible this will allow her skin to dry and heal. When in bed, think of him change more often than usual brush and small buttocks rosin, a drying which accelerates healing.

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