

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Multiple Pregnancies, twins

A multiple pregnancy is also said twin pregnancy for two babies which mean that the mother is expecting twins. Literally, the term twin refers to all individuals who shared the same womb and were born the same day e.g. triplets are 3 twins. In common parlance, we speak usually of twins born to denote a double...

There is a physiological limit, volume and weight for example that a mother can bear. For this reason, it is considerably rarer than it can to complete a multiple pregnancy. For reasons of health in the mother multiple pregnancies must be followed by a pregnancy "classic". So doctors monitor a twin pregnancy near term and may sometimes favor a birth with two weeks in advance.

The evolution of multiple pregnancies

First trimester of multiple gestation's:
Before the third month of pregnancy, multiple pregnancies are confirmed by ultrasound. From that time to ensure adequate development in the womb of the two unborn babies in the womb, it is imperative to regularly monitor twin pregnancy during medical visits monthly. The latter also allow for a possible fetal hypo trophy.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, the pregnant woman's appetite is stimulated, it must be careful not to gain too much weight in early pregnancy. The mother must also remain calm, do not be anxious despite the nausea, malaise and fatigue she may feel during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Second trimester of multiple pregnancies:
The third month of pregnancy was marked by changes in the mother's physical and medical examinations and other ultrasounds. Also the amount of amniotic fluid and the hormone levels are higher than in previous months. During this period, the mother must adjust their working hours and working conditions in order to prioritize the rest. Indeed, increasing blood volume, and tiredness are common. From the fourth month of pregnancy, the pregnant woman must temper its activity to preserve his health. From the fifth month of pregnancy, the mother must keep a diet rich in protein and calorie intake while watching his weight. The mother must also limit car journeys.
    Third trimester of multiple pregnancies:
During the third trimester, the rest is imperative in late pregnancy to anticipate a premature birth. Being a mom is pregnant with twins in most cases on maternity leave from the sixth month of pregnancy. During this last quarter, the pregnant woman will face a significant weight gain, the womb is weighting. This stage of multiple pregnancies is the most stressful for the mother both physically and psychologically. Rest allows the mother to address her delivery being serene.

Note that the average length of a twin pregnancy is 8 months.

The different types of twins in multiple pregnancies

Fraternal twins (or dizygotic):
This happens when two eggs fertilized by two sperm nest on the walls of the uterus. This situation occurs most often in the same menstrual cycle. The two eggs form two different egg cells and the twins are called dizygotic well designed (in genetics, we say hetero zygotes). The genetic relatedness among dizygotic twins, which develop through two separate placentas, is the same as that between two children born to two different pregnancies. They can be of different sexes. Genetic predisposition that promotes their visit is to seek the mother's side, since the dad has no effect on the original double ovulation.
    Identical twins (or monozygotic):
This situation occurs when an egg is fertilized by a sperm, the egg cell and resulting splits into two, forming two embryos that have the same genetic inheritance. If the embryo is divided under three days after fertilization, this will result in a bi chronic twin pregnancy (two placentas) liquor (two amniotic cavities) as for dizygotic twins. Despite their separate growth, it is in this case the twins are most alike at birth (weight and height). If the embryo is divided between 3 and 6 days there will be a single placenta (chronic mono) but two amniotic cavities (amniotic). In this case there may be a power difference between the twins during pregnancy and therefore differences in size and weight at birth which will lessen during growth. If the division of the zygote takes place after the formation of the amniotic cavity pregnancy amniotic mono chronic. The twins share the same amniotic cavity. Of the split does not occur, these results in the formation of conjoined babies. Monozygotic twins are often physically very similar. Taking age, monozygotic twins differ in response to personal choices and life experiences. Education is an important step in this differentiation.
Multiple pregnancies: pregnancy monitoring Multiple pregnancies are high risk pregnancies. Indeed, the risk of bleeding increases during pregnancy. Also the mother can make high blood pressure resulting in a lack of space for babies lying in the uterus and increase the risk of malformations.
Twins can also encounter difficulties in their growth in the womb as a concern for feeding one twin. The preterm birth rate is higher than for a conventional birth, premature babies are very fragile. The mother should rest in order to keep her babies in her womb until the agreed date.

*   Dizygotic Twinning: This glossary provides explanations of terms related to twins and multiple births.
* The term monozygotic is defined in this glossary, which provides definitions and explanations of terms related to twins and multiple birth.

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