

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Donation of breast milk, a gesture that saves lives!

Donating blood, ova, sperm, everyone now knows he can give him a little to help save a life or give life. However, many are still unaware that breast milk is also in some cases, a vital substance that can save lives. It happens that infants, including premature infants intolerant to cow's milk, kidney failure or heart disease, support only breast milk, which then becomes essential to the Child. But then, the mother did not always sufficient milk to feed her child, especially in the case of premature delivery, we must turn to the kindness of other moms, breastfeeding also, agree to give a some of its milk to save a baby.

It has been almost half a century that women who breastfeed have the opportunity to give their milk to specialized medical centers in the harvesting and processing of milk to make it fit for consumption of toddlers: the milk banks.
But still too little known, these milk banks are sometimes run out of milk, a shortage that can cost lives!
Know, then, ladies for today or the future you can also give some of your milk to feed a baby whose mother is not able to do so.

To donate her milk must never have been transfused and not suffering from a communicable disease through breast milk.
Milk is collected using equipment provided by the milk bank: breast pump, sterile bottle, ... You should know that with some milk bank, sampling is done at the mom who will draw her own milk during breastfeeding her baby, then store in refrigerator or freezer until a header sent by the milk bank came to collect the milk at home. This allows the mother to keep his habits and not having to travel whenever she wants to give her milk.
Obviously in such a case, the donor must observe certain rules of hygiene essential for its milk is used for sterilization and disinfection of equipment that was given to him, preserving milk under the conditions which have been explained previously ...
It is the donor and alone that will decide the amount of milk she wants to donate.

Once collected, the milk is subject to bacteriological tests to ensure it is fit for consumption by infants and then filtered, distributed in 220 ml bottles, pasteurized and frozen until freeze-drying to a better conservation.
Once freeze-dried milk is sent to clinics and maternity hospitals in overseas, it will be sold almost 100 € for 100g and fully reimbursed by social security.

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