

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


FAQ & PREGNANCY TESTS FAQ Discover our Special & Pregnancy Tests
Are you pregnant? Not sure of becoming pregnant? Have questions about pregnancy tests? ... What are the risk behaviors to avoid? How to eat the best? Can we have sex during pregnancy? ... After our two sections Pregnancy and Sexuality and Pregnancy Dangers and you'll find all the answers to your questions.
If you do not find an answer to your question, you can ask it directly to the Test team-Pregnancy information via our contact form by clicking here.

Can you be pregnant and have periods?

Why was a stomach ache in early pregnancy?

After 40 years getting pregnant is it harder?

Pregnancy tests bought in Pharmacy are they reliable?

Pregnancy tests bought over the Internet are reliable?

What if we can go to work?

How long does it take to perform a pregnancy test?

Should we worry if the bleeding in early pregnancy?

When can we know the sex of the unborn baby?

Can t we take antibiotics during pregnancy?


A Pregnancy Test is it reliable after 4 months?

My rules appear later than what is shown in the instruction of my pill (I take it for four months) is this normal? Is it possible that I'm pregnant?

Once pregnant, who should I go first? My doctor should I go to the Hospital?

When I did my pregnancy test, I forgot to close the file and test. Can this distort down results knowing that the control bar to negative results?

After a forgotten pill, a pregnancy test is reliable? If so, when should we do it?

After performing a test of pregnancy that, it shows both signs simultaneously + and -. What does this mean?

I missed a period of 12 days but a negative pregnancy test. I have pains in the stomach and dizziness. I do not know if I'm pregnant especially since I am a diabetic on insulin.

After stopping the pill, I have not had my period the next cycle. Not having rules very pronounced, I am not worried. My cycles are quite variable, but one should start again this week. I dread not having my period yet. Does stopping the pill can be related to the absence of menstruation? It is there a time limit for a pregnancy test?

I have fifteen days late, my pregnancy test shows this result: not interpretable. I did it late in the day, should I make another one or do a blood test. I set as a clock. I am 47 years old, is it the signs of menopause? I admit being tired, having heartburn and sometimes dizziness.

  I'm 31 and I have never taken the pill because I am under treatment for epilepsy. I always am careful with my partner so ever "accident". Today I want a baby more than anything and for the first time I had unprotected sex with my friend Dial are 5 and 2 days. My periods are regular since Bondmen and should have arrived there one day and still nothing. I usually have at least the signs and then nothing. I cycle about 30 days and my time of ovulation is not the 14th day of the cycle but a little later. Y is there a tiny chance that I might be pregnant or is it impossible?

My partner takes the pill for a month and a half, we had several sexual relationship during the month, its rules do not last 4 days, is it possible she is pregnant? She performed a test, but has not respected the instructions and waited 30 min instead of 5 minutes, this test it was positive. She then conducted a second test, which properly was negative. Both tests were performed 3 days after the arrival of its normal rules. We still must do some tests?

1 month ago I threw up my pill between 3h and 4h after taking it. And I had a unprotected sex before and after forgotten. Later I got my period the day I was having (there are more than a week). But I read that you can have her period on the pill even when you are pregnant, should I get tested and when?

My cycles were pretty regular (~ 30 days) but in November I had a cycle of 64 days, as my pregnancy tests were negative, I went for an ultrasound and pelvic as there was nothing (not fetuses), the next day I got my period. This time (the next cycle) was 52 days. I did a pregnancy test yesterday and my periods have appeared today. It could sager of phantom pregnancy?

I delayed my rules, I have nausea's, and loss of appetite and when I eat it is the opposite of what I eat normally. In my first pregnancy, I have not had these symptoms there. Is it possible that I'm pregnant?


Can you be pregnant and have periods? Often a pregnant person has been bleeding for rules. This is referred to Rules Birthday. Note that these are caused by the embryo when it enters the uterine lining. To confirm or deny your pregnancy, do not hesitate to carry a pregnancy test or consult your doctor for a blood test.

Why was a stomach ache in early pregnancy? In early pregnancy, there is generally a stomach ache, stomach and bloating. This is due to the uterus that gradually increases in volume and pulling on the ligaments compressing the intestines and bladder.

After 40 years getting pregnant is it harder? You should know that as the years go by and unless a woman is fertile. Thus the maximum rate of fertility in women between 15 and 25. From 35 years it drops sharply. Even if all people are not equal in terms of fertility, it is harder to get pregnant from 35/40 years.

Pregnancy tests bought in Pharmacy are they reliable? Pregnancy tests bought in Pharmacy, including urine pregnancy tests are reliable. Pregnancy test reliability). You have to know to optimize their use until four days after the date of the rules. We must take the test in the morning (when the urine is most concentrated in hormone beta HCG)

Pregnancy tests bought over the Internet are reliable? Pregnancy tests bought over the Internet, including urine pregnancy tests are supposed to be as reliable as those purchased at a pharmacy (see our Reliability Test Pregnancy). Knowing that sales of pregnancy tests over the Internet are prohibited in France, foreign suppliers are expected to provide quality testing. But apart from the anonymity provided by purchasing these tests on the Internet and sometimes the price, it is best to buy a test kit.

What if we can go to work? If your job is at risk for pregnancy (long travel and / or frequent drudgery ...) you can receive an additional two weeks leave (14 days consecutive or not) before the start of your prenatal leave and on prescription. In addition, this leave may be prescribed pathological from the declaration of pregnancy. We talk off disease.

How long does it take to perform a pregnancy test? Period "ideal" to achieve a pregnancy test thing in the morning, four days after the presumed date of rules.

Should we worry if the bleeding in early pregnancy? If you notice any bleeding, even light, in early pregnancy, a consultation is required. This will determine if this bleeding is harmless or harbingers of a complication.

When can we know the sex of the unborn baby? It is possible to know the sex of the unborn baby at the end of the third month but only if it is properly positioned with ultrasound. Indeed, sometimes a gynecologist wrongly announces the arrival of a little girl while the boy's cock was hidden...

Can there be to take antibiotics during pregnancy? Treatment with antibiotics should be avoided during pregnancy. For those who have made ignorant they were pregnant do not panic, most antibiotics are safe for the fetus. If you take cycling (or tetracycline) or if you are in doubt please consult your doctor.

A pregnancy test is it reliable after 4 months? My last relationship dates back to late February. I had my period twice since. My gynecologist then made me change since birth and I do not have my period. I did a test Clear blue early June (negative), and as I was still worried, I remake a ten days ago (negative). (Still a Clear blue test, the same pharmacy). Following the first test, the gynecologist told me not to worry. Agree to the pharmacy, I was told not to worry. I just finished a new pack of pills and I did not get my period again. Should I test again? (Marie)
The response of Pregnancy test information: Did you ask your gynecologist if this new pill nullified or greatly diminished the flow of your menstruation's? Maybe this is it just related to the change of pill. If this is not the case, you should apply for an order for a search of Beta HCG blood test to be 100% sure of being (or not) pregnant. You have already done 2 urine tests; it would be wise to do a blood test.

My rules appear later than what is shown in the instruction of my pill (I take it for four months) is this normal? Is it possible that I'm pregnant?
The response of Pregnancy test information: If you are just taking the first pill (ie before you were not taking the pill), it takes a little while for your body gets used to hormones. Hence the "gap". Logically with the pill you have your period every month, the same day. You will not test for "free" since it is also there to reassure you. A urine test does not cost so expensive (between 7 and 20 € depending on the brand). After, if you want an answer 100% sure, there is the blood test to be prescribed by your doctor. But without apparent signs, he will not be absolutely necessary to ask it.

Once pregnant, who should I go first? My doctor? Should I go to the Hospital?
The response of Pregnancy test information: You must make an appointment with a gynecologist.

When I did my pregnancy test, I forgot to close the file and test. Can this distort down results knowing that the control bar to negative results?
The response of Pregnancy test information: For added security, would be better to make a second pregnancy test.

After a forgotten pill, a pregnancy test is reliable? If so, when should you do?
The response of Pregnancy test information: As stated in our columns, a pregnancy test is performed if delayed menstruation - from the first day of delay.

After performing a test of pregnancy that, it shows both signs simultaneously + and -. What does this mean?
The response of Pregnancy test information: This means that the test did not work. We must do another.

I missed a period of 12 days but a negative pregnancy test. I have pains in the stomach and dizziness. I do not know if I'm pregnant especially since I am a diabetic on insulin.
The response of Pregnancy test information: You should make an appointment with a gynecologist for more security.

After stopping the pill, I have not had my period the next cycle. Not having rules very pronounced, I am not worried. My cycles are quite variable, but one should start again this week. I dread not having my period yet. Does stopping the pill can be related to the absence of menstruation? It is there a time limit for a pregnancy test?
The response of Pregnancy test information: Yes stopping the pill, especially if you take a long time, can influence the return of menses. If your cycles were not regular before the pill, it is likely that the same is true after stop. To ward off any questions, you can still do a urine test if you find that it becomes long. Then, complete with a blood test to be 100% sure.

I have fifteen days late, my pregnancy test shows this result: not interpretable. I did it late in the day, should I make another one or do a blood test. I set as a clock. I am 47 years old, is it the signs of menopause? I admit being tired, having heartburn and sometimes dizziness.
The response of Pregnancy test information: To be reassured, have a blood test to see if you are pregnant your doctor. Perhaps, indeed, is this signs of menopause, in which case you discuss with him.

I'm 31 and I have never taken the pill because I am under treatment for epilepsy. I always am careful with my partner so ever "accident". Today I want a baby more than anything and for the first time I had unprotected sex with my friend Dial are 5 and 2 days. My periods are regular since Linotype's and should have arrived there one day and still nothing. I usually have at least the signs and then nothing. I cycle about 30 days and my time of ovulation is not the 14th day of the cycle but a little later. Y is there a tiny chance that I might be pregnant or is it impossible?
The response of Pregnancy test information: Your latest reports are fairly recent, however, to be sure of a pregnancy or not, you must perform a blood test. Sometimes the desire-and high-single of pregnancy may cause symptoms or a disorder of the cycle. I hope for you it will be good news. Keep us posted.

My partner takes the pill for a month and a half, we had several sexual relationship during the month, its rules do not last 4 days, is it possible she is pregnant? She performed a test, but has not respected the instructions and waited 30 min instead of 5 minutes, this test it was positive. She then conducted a second test, which properly was negative. Both tests were performed 3 days after the arrival of its normal rules. We still must do some tests?
The response of Pregnancy test information: We should ask a blood test to be sure of the result. If your wife takes the pill for one month and a half, the delay may be related to the fact that his body began to pace. If the rules are still struggling, made to the blood.

1 month ago I threw up my pill between 3h and 4h after taking it. And I had a unprotected sex before and after forgotten. Later I got my period the day I was having (there are more than a week). But I read that you can have her period on the pill even when you are pregnant, should I get tested and when?
The response of Pregnancy test information: To be reassured you can ask your doctor to prescribe a blood test. Otherwise you can do a urine test now.

My cycles were pretty regular (~ 30 days) but in November I had a cycle of 64 days, as my pregnancy tests were negative, I went for an ultrasound and pelvic as there was nothing (not fetuses), the next day I got my period. This time (the next cycle) was 52 days. I did a pregnancy test yesterday and my periods have appeared today. It could sager of phantom pregnancy?
The response of Pregnancy test information: What we should see in a first time is:
- Are you "testing baby"?
- Have you stopped your birth control a few months ago?
The process of "restarting the machine", after a period as a contraceptive, can cause you to have decolletes in your cycle. It is not necessarily mentioned phantom pregnancy in these cases. Talk to your gynecologist for further clarification.

I delayed my rules, I have nausea's, and loss of appetite and when I eat it is the opposite of what I eat normally. In my first pregnancy, I have not had these symptoms there. Is it possible that I'm pregnant?
The response of Pregnancy test information: If you are trying, you can always buy a urine test or ask your doctor for a blood test.


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    During the last two trimesters, the weight should come only gradually -- between 0.5 and 1 pound per week.
