

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The midwife is aware of this reality. The role of the midwife.

Giving birth to a child is always a very important event in the life of a woman and a couple. The midwife is aware of this reality. She guides them to become parents, respecting their essential needs, values and choices.
The New Moms Guide tells you all about different ways to prepare for childbirth.

You and your midwife

The midwife is the person doing the consultation normal pregnancies, the doctor's prescription monitoring pathological pregnancies, ultrasound practice, normal delivery, the puerperal and prescribed hormonal contraception.

Its activity is not limited to technical moves, its role is also relational.

She has to know explain what will happen, reassure the mother, the father involved at this important time ... Aided by technology (monitoring, ultrasound ...), it ensures normal deliveries alone.

When complications occur, they can appreciate the situation and act quickly, using the obstetrician gynecologist.
After delivery, the midwife takes care of the newborn, verifies that it is healthy. It also monitors the recovery of the mother and the advice on breastfeeding, healthy baby, contraception.
During pregnancy

Your midwife teaches birth preparation, conducts medical monitoring of pregnancy and assists you in case of pregnancy risk. She prescribe any examination necessary to monitor the pregnancy or likely to detect a possible anomaly.

During childbirth

It accompanies you throughout the work phase. It makes normal birth, on his own responsibility, makes possible epitome, suturing and heals the newborn.

After delivery

She cares for you and your baby (in case of home delivery of early return home or stay even after the "classic" in maternity), give you advice on breastfeeding, teaches exercises static, carries peritoneal rehabilitation sessions.
In addition, it assists you in the period of the baby blues, provides information on family planning, offers its expertise in nutrition for mother and child.

You are strongly advised to follow preparation courses to help you not only know the techniques of childbirth, but also put you in touch with other mothers who will share their experiences and fears.

The classical preparation

Among seven sessions on average, they are reimbursed by Social Security. The midwife will explain the anatomy and changes in your body, epidural, delivery, breathing and feeding.
These courses have a theoretical but a practical one. Relaxation exercises, breathing and relaxation of pelvic muscles will be explained. It's time to ask any questions ... Enjoy!

Prenatal singing

These courses have a reputation to provide ultimate relaxation. Based on breathing and communication parent / child through sound vibrations, the Prenatal singing is very physical. By learning to breathe while singing, most women find this reflex at the time of delivery.


Sweetness, breathing and relaxation, nothing like waiting serenely for her baby.
Yoga is an excellent practice in accordance with the pregnancy, based on listening to his body.
Through concentration and breathing, the woman takes the positions that naturally relieve. It's a real work on oneself, as much psychological as physical.


Hauptmann is a fabulous accompaniment to birth. Science of touch, it helps parents communicate at the earliest with the baby.
They establish an exchange and touch that secures both the child's father and mother. It is an inseparable trio, and here the father's place is fundamental.


This is a relaxation technique akin to hypnosis. Started around the fifth month, relaxation therapy takes place in small groups. With inflections of voice soft and monotonous relaxation therapist, you will be plunged into a deep state of relaxation. Then you can anticipate future events with confidence. Focused on yourself, you do vacuum around you live only for your internal feelings. You can control your contractions and the pain caused. And for the baby, you create a climate conducive to balancing and delivery serene.

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