

Friday, April 20, 2012

First Pregnancy Symptoms A'' D


Every fertile woman wants to know the early symptoms of pregnancy'' so as to have proper behavior during the gestation period.
The period of pregnancy lasts for nine months during which every woman feels accomplished since purgative of'' a new life.
Ignore the symptoms of pregnancy can cause a'' s'' to see in late pregnancy and omit the initial care for the child'' s growth. You have to be careful early in the pregnancy period and the first quarter (the gestation period is divided into three terms) is very crucial for the child''. For a regular course during this period, it is essential to recognize the symptoms of pregnancy'' so they can adopt the most appropriate behavior for oneself and for the child''.
Although there are symptoms common to pregnancy, one can not generalize, however.

Common symptoms of pregnancy:

 Lack of cycle (amenorrhea): d'' Usually it is the first among the symptoms of pregnancy. But it'' s often do not menstruate, and then it can not be considered a significant symptom. It is possible, if it is below his normal weight or if you go through a period of stress that the rules disappear. In addition, you can have spotting during the menstrual cycle and be pregnant.
  • Increase in breast size: it can indicate a pregnancy. Veins are visible and the breasts are sore.
  • Feeling tired, persistent dizziness throughout the day can be a symptom of pregnancy.
  • Nausea and vomiting: first pregnancy symptoms significant enough that may occur at any time during the day. They can be caused by odors or bad tastes or may occur for no particular reason.
  • Changing tastes: Some dishes not liked in the past can not really look good. We can express a strong desire for specific foods curtains schedules unthinkable...
  • Hormonal changes internal: they can make women particularly emotional during pregnancy. You can have occasional mood swings
  • Frequent urination: another early pregnancy symptom is the frequent urge to pee.
The symptoms described above may be considered a summary of the symptoms of pregnancy. It is possible that some women have these symptoms and no other.
Knowledge of these symptoms may help you get the clues'' of pregnancy. If any of these symptoms, a pregnancy test should be conducted and a doctor should be consulted without losing time.

* Amenorrhoea (BE), amenorrhea (AmE), or amenorrhœa, is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age.

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