

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pregnancy Symptoms - Signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs of pregnancy.

What we call the sympathetic signs of pregnancy may be sympathetic to the name! Their appearance and intensity vary greatly from one pregnancy to another.
Dr. Sana gives the Guide New Moms all characteristic signs.

The delay rules

It appears as the most significant sign of pregnancy but watch this delay does not automatically mean you are pregnant! Only urinalysis or a blood test will confirm it.


Although they may appear at any time of day, morning nausea often. Some women experience a vague feeling sick, for others they can be very unpleasant. There are very significant and vomiting requiring frequent medical advice because they can compromise the nutrition of the mother and therefore the fetus.

The breasts

Your nipple becomes more sensitive, darker and bulges forward. During pregnancy, your breasts are preparing for breastfeeding spontaneously. In late pregnancy, they grow in size and are often painful and tense. To remedy this, you can apply compresses of warm water.

Eating disorders

This sign varies from woman to woman and is expressed either by "desires" of disgust (odors, altered taste sensations) or even extreme disorders like bulimia or anorexia. It is important to monitor your diet.

Sleep disorders

Pregnancy is often accompanied by nocturnal insomnia or hypersomnia during the day. Fatigue is a well-known symptom of pregnancy. There is not much about it but it will fade in the first quarter.

Relationship problems

Everyone has noticed how the behaviors and moods change during pregnancy. All versions of changes are possible, with a hypersensitivity: we cry at the slightest provocation. These small changes are fortunately transient and will surely delight your mate!

* Hypersomnia is a disorder characterized by excessive amounts of sleepiness. There are two main categories of hypersomnia

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