

Monday, April 1, 2013

Exercise Tips for Pregnant Women

healthy exercise tips for pregnant women / good exercise tips for pregnant women
Exercise during pregnancy
A small number of studies on exercise during pregnancy and the results are often contradictory. However, taking into account the safety limits and provides countersigning moderate cardiovascular exercise during pregnancy minimizes the problems of the musculature system.
Pregnancy or physical and mental health in a controlled exercise program is very useful for protection. Delivery group are women who want to work in partnership is essential. The benefits of regular exercise are; helps maintain fitness, posture, prevents diseases of the circulatory and digestive functions, regulates the activity of the muscles needed to support the birth mother provides weight control, speed recovery after delivery. Exercise program during pregnancy and childbirth should be prepared taking into account the changes in the field of school education in general should read; Proper posture, proper body mechanics to teach, to care for a child after Birth to strengthen the arms, strengthen the legs to carry the weight gain, edema, varicose veins and cramps avoid physical exercise and training, pelvic floor muscle exercise and training in controlling muscle strengthening Abdominal aerobic exercise program for the protection of the cardiovascular system, the muscles used during childbirth, teaching relaxation techniques, breathing techniques to teach to determine postnatal exercise programs.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Backache in pregnancy / Low back pain during pregnancy

1. Dike attitude. Marrow from the waist to the head and think like a cable was

2. Fizzle avoid gaining weight. How much more will put on weight, back and waist, not so much the weight balance. Raise your legs to get

3.Attitudinized back and waist or use an ergonomic chair. Avoid sitting or standing in the same position for a long time. No weight standing on one leg. Asymmetric joint pain, sometimes worse off.

Wear shoes that support

4.Polarization. No more than 5 heels cm. Because of the balance, if you fall. Consider a pair of good walking shoes.

5. Barr has to remove something, you must first make sure that there are severe, and your weight is on your back, lift your legs giving. Get up to the knees, keep your back fairly sharply, grasp the object to remove, and then straighten your legs to lift. If you use your legs, lift you can habit, when not pregnant, the risk of injury to the back and back strain and Angelle stabilizer.

6.Hamiltonian Avoid baby in your arms or something. The weight of the arms in front of you fez L alas you re move more weight. Carry Clarion trail pressing both sides of your body move. Wheeled luggage trailers or similar use or to ask for help.

7. Sort exercises to strengthen muscles, or on foot, you know, like swimming exercises follow.

8. Professional try taking a pregnancy massage or a couple or a region highly tales mild sore thumb, but ask the printer to print in-depth analysis of two minutes.

9. Sol us extend and place a pillow between your legs, not to each other while allowing more comfortable, you can sleep in the bed. This support for the overthrow of the thigh and back pain mattress will prevent worsen. Also, place a pillow under your stomach to get the weight of the waist.

Lying on a mattress support 10. Sardinia hard enough. Put a piece of wood under the mattress can support you when it collapsed. You may notice that your back is a good place to sleep.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Thermophilic pregnancy

Thermophilic briefly defined as the tendency to thrombosis due to abnormalities in the coagulation system. The clinical history "venous" all the ladies that thrombotic and pregnancy should be screened for thermophilic.

Moreover, the history of fetal loss, severe Precambrian and severe intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) should be tested in lab. However, in women with recurrent miscarriage, even though evidence of this week is still uncertain. Recent studies, genetic testing, 2 times experienced pregnancy loss, and there is a tendency for the implementation of other cases, the cause cannot be found.

Close enough in time, according to the results of the study, women on white background of Precambrian, thermophilic laboratory and after pregnancy, per-pregnancy counseling method is that going to help.
Thermophilic, Factor 5 and thrombotic gene mutation is often seen. It is important indicators include testing. Recurrent pregnancy losses Trombones mutations recent comprehensive study on the impact:

However, gene mutations, recurrent miscarriages on the consequences of the contradictions between the various studies in which the value of the clinical committees "There are differences of opinion as to the current in this panel, ACE I / D polymorphism also recommend adding. Though important, in many studies is quite low given data range.

Furthermore, the test, ant thrombi, functional active proteins C and S, which must include evaluation. However, during pregnancy, protein S levels should be evaluated differently. Advice Lockwood’s: the level of protein S, no pregnant patients with <60% of pregnant patients <35% cut. If low levels of protein S, however, both "free" and the total protein S levels tested, and again the lack of the specified formula. All types of thermophilic testing, the patient at the time of thrombosis was much, not using heparin or anticoagulants should be done. Until now, the absence of G protein began pregnancy complications (such as premature labor) were observed.

In patients with protein S deficiency, according to the history, prophylactic anti coagulation during pregnancy or postpartum use of warfare for 4-6 weeks may be considered. If the patient is present in the state of thrombotic, heparin or warfare for prophylaxis (especially after childbirth) may be recommended. If you are sick or if there is a medical necessity, many anticoagulants is not recommended during pregnancy, however, in patients with hand, if you have a relative or a similar curriculum primary health, prophylaxis post par tum may be recommended.
Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), usually during the first trimester, can be defined as a loss of 2 or more weeks. That's about 1% of the reproductive age affects the ladies. Following the recommendations of host’s technical assessment should be informed about women living together two pregnancy losses.
Recurrent miscarriages, genetic, anatomical, or may be responsible for many doctors. . parent genetic abnormalities "balanced trans locations as" leads to recurrent miscarriages also repeated parent annually employ Dr Normal chromosomes may be a factor, although the association between PCOS and miscarriage are available:. Pregnancy in women suffering from increased androgen lubricated proposed by...

Type 1 diabetes is known to increase the risk of miscarriage.
Uterine abnormalities, septets uterus is the most characteristic in the second trimester of pregnancy may result in a loss. And viral infection, sometimes resembles the miscarriages were founded. Furthermore, autoimmune disorders and anti posh oils pad antibodies and recurrent pregnancy loss may result.
Recurrent miscarriages, 50 and 75% of couples who are for whatever reason. Estimates of the time, Stereotype parents, uterine cavity, screen, antiphonal (APA) and lupus anticoagulant (LA) tests, the doctor detailed CV (perhaps a hemoglobin A1c test for diabetes, such as additional tests) contains.

In 2008, a largest study in India, in order of importance. Anticipation and anti annexing V, then the anti-beta 2 GP1 and found that the correlation between the most recent pregnancy loss THE unexplained [11] At this point, one of the most interesting results of the survey, after treatment of miscarriage unexplained recurrent is 70% of normal pregnancies to see.
In 2005, the Cochran meta-analysis of the group without anticipation antibodies for the prevention of recurrent miscarriages exposure anticoagulant East on investigated and the results were insufficient to recommend aspirin or heparin the current trend, pregnancy complications, including thermophilic only "venous" Stromboli man prevention, prophylactic use of heparin is anticipation limited eloping limited. Some small studies recommended utility heparin in preventing pregnancy complications, the need for a large placebo-controlled study of medium-term.
•    Antiphospholipid syndrome — Comprehensive overview covers causes treatment of this disorder that may affect pregnancy.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pregnancy and Epilepsy Disease

Disease, epilepsy, how it affects pregnancy?
This effect varies. 50% of cases there is no change, 25% of seizures decreased 25% reduction would be further changes in pregnancy in subsequent pregnancies, indicate what will change in the same direction.

The mother before pregnancy, epilepsy, high blood pressure, i.e., non-epileptic seizures (epilepsy), can be of seizures;
Yes this condition is called and c flashing is hypertension in pregnancy and discussed.
Because pregnancy (gestational epilepsy) what?   
Epilepsy during pregnancy is only a small group of pregnant women. Take a pregnancy gestational epilepsy, again, doesn't even appear in subsequent pregnancies.
Pregnancy status epileptic us (continuous seizure to be consecutive) increases the incidence of right?
Blood levels of anti epileptic drugs that prevent pregnancy, so how does an attachment?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Why only the ovaries produce eggs

Produces small eggs and ovaries Why is there a solution?

According to the classical female eggs are born with a lifetime of use, rather than the construction of new eggs. Some of the results of a study recently published in the counter information from the classical picture of the results of the clinical response to this question will get back to light classical information.

Decreased with increasing age of the eggs in the ovaries of normal physiological process. Even women who had children before, it is difficult to grasp the age of 39-40, and 44 years later, almost impossible. Of course, there can be miracles, but after 44 years do not have the opportunity to excel. In general, where peer programs test tube baby treatment for women over 44 years is not willing to accept. Reduced capacity loss of ovarian function at menopause and reproductive well be considered equivalent. Operation reproductive hormone secretion in women and the separation of the age of 37 exposures. Fell rapidly after the age of reproductive hormone secretion, this function can be seen from the last menstrual cycle will continue until the age of menopause. The answer to why I cannot have children, then it is that I'm rooted in physiological modified.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Treatment with Botox veganism

Bot-ox chronic pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse and women who suffer from is unavailable Area Botox, as well as many applications in medicine, new scientific studies of women with pelvic pain, painful intercourse, vegan-ism's and showed that these problems could be the prospect of a solution.

In October 2006, the world's largest and renowned for the publication of scientific research in women's health magazine of the American Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Women muscular magazine contains an article that investigated the efficacy of BOT-OX in the treatment of pain in the groin year.

The muscles around the vaginal spasm (involuntary muscle contractions) and chronic lower abdomen groin pain and found to suffer as a result of the muscles in the vagina of women, Botox relationships, painful pelvic pain symptoms in these women showed significant reduction. At the same time, these women had a significant reduction of muscle spasms of the vagina.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Guidelines Dental care during pregnancy.

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to diseases of the teeth and gums and this is due to hormonal changes that occur (estrogen and progesterone increases) during this period.
Pregnant, even if you have mouth problems should consult their dentist as a preventive measure to take the first step in controlling and cleaning teeth.

Pregnancy is the worst possible time for a pregnant woman to neglect the health of teeth and gums it. Visiting the dentist carefully recorded oral health and the application of preventive and curative measures. Indeed, if the dentist is trained in classical homeopathy will be able to tackle other, all frequent vomiting, which is harmful to the teeth, the teeth can be cleaned intolerance that occurs during this period, so if disease occur in the mouth (teeth, abscesses, inflammation diverse, etc.) in this period so sensitive to soft drugs, no side effects, completely safe for her and the fetus.
Maintaining good oral health and use of a drug, if necessary, with no side effects than the other, as is classical homeopathic medicine will certainly help to ensure a smooth pregnancy and childbirth in good health.