

Monday, February 27, 2012

Tobacco and pregnancy

The consequences of smoking on health are well known (cardiovascular risk, respiratory illnesses and even cancer ...).

Tobacco risks
Unfortunately women who smoke combine these with other specific risks: reduced fertility, octopus pregnancy and during pregnancy, premature birth, low birth weight, and respiratory consequences for the infant ...


Nicotine is responsible for tobacco dependence, it is what gives the "pleasure". Stopping the intake of nicotine produces a feeling of lack and need is the main cause of failure in smoking cessation.
We know that reducing the number of cigarettes smoked and causes a compensatory phenomenon that inhaling more intensely, the absorption of toxic remains the same.

This is because of this powerful craving that craving is sometimes stronger than the will to stop, in spite of the dreadful consequences known to almost everyone.
Thus, during pregnancy nearly a third of women experience a high nicotine dependence explaining the difficulty of stopping.
In addition, pregnancy is an emotional upheaval that justifies stopping smoking during this period requires special supervision by the attending physician and her gynecologist.

Help ...
There are some in the motherhood Grout-pes of cessation assistance, managed by a trained midwife in tobacco dependence analysis that tests and the determination of urinary nicotine (breakdown product of nicotine) which optimizes treatment by choosing nicotine replacement therapy tailored to each (patches, gum, sub lingual tablets ...).

Pregnancy is a time to quit, and the state can help with hormonal estrogen.
These substitutes are allowed in pregnant women in 1997-and then reduce tobacco-related toxicity. Pregnancy is the time to stop smoking, and hormonal status can help with estrogen (sex hormone secreted at high doses during pregnancy).

These hormones have an antidepressant effect may be beneficial for weaning. Also during this period, two out of three women have a distaste for tobacco.
And contrary to what is growing, there is no weight gain greater among pregnant women who stop smoking.

A recent data important for smoking cessation in women-girt also depends largely on the cessation of the spouse, underscoring the need for involvement of the father to support the mother, once again.

You are not only about smoking, think of it!

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